Arbejde BC Hospitality Group is looking for e new Catering Sales Executive/Manager unspecified BC Hospitality Group A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDkwNDMzMSA3

reference: 4904331

documentId: 4904331

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1542024065416

BC Hospitality Group is looking for e new Catering Sales Executive/Manager


Do you want to sell moments that matter?

Whether it is a private wedding, a summer party, or a corporate product launch - they all have this in common; they are unique, fleeting and hugely important to our clients. In short - we sell moments that matter. Client satisfaction is our first priority and we all strive to ensure that interactions with our clients are at all times professional, commercial and confident, and that we deliver exceptionel service - every time. We aim for perfection, so that our existing clients return with future business and new clients notice us as potential business partners. Do you have prior sales experience and would you like to become part of a highly-driven sales team and work at one of the biggest hospitality groups in Copenhagen? If so, we are offering you an exciting opportunity to deploy your skills in a highly dynamic, innovative and commercially minded organization.  

About you  

This position requires an individual who has the creative mindset to come up with innovative ideas and the drive and determination to take them from thought to action. In addition, you should be a skilled influencer able to sell your ideas to both clients and colleagues alike. Creativity, drive and full engagement as well as great empathy into others' needs and motivation are key abilities for success in this position. You should have prior, documented sales results and good knowledge of the catering and/or event industry.  You should be outgoing and with a natural ability for building relationships & rapport.  You should be experienced in both executing and following-up on promotional activities.  You should be creative in your market approach.  You should have strong collaboration skillsYou should be a strong communicator with persuasive influencing skills On top of this, you should be:  A team player  Proficient in Word, Excel, Outlook and PowerPoint  Organized and structured in how you work  Able to adapt quickly to new procedures and multiple systems (Opera, Microsoft 365)  Able to work and thrive in a multi-tasked and fast-paced environment  Professional, with a “get it done” attitude and strong work ethics  A driven sales personality – with a “Hunters” approach  Fluent in Danish and English    


About the position 

Your main focus will be new business development and network building. The objective is to drive catering and food & beverage revenue for our different business units. Identifying and exploring opportunities within the current market and opening up possibilities in new markets will be key elements of your daily work. The position requires you to have both a commercial mindset, a creative market approach , and an astute understanding of people. Building and maintaining relationships with both colleagues, existing key accounts and new prospects is an essential skill for this role.   Attributes necessary include:  

  • Keen negotiation skills  
  • Creative thinking
  • Good collaborative skills
  • Persuasive personality  
  • Focus  
  • Determination
  • Good people skills

You will be working in a very high-paced, highly energized and fun environment within an ambitious team and will be given the empowerment to achieve successful results. Your area of focus is the local catering market, which for our organization is a relatively new frontier. You will need a strong local network and a creative mindset in terms of how to engage the market.    The job consists of: 

  • Growing our client base within catering - both private and corporate (e.g. weddings, jubilees, charity events, company parties and product launches) 
  • Reach/Exceed revenue targets annually  
  • Weekly calls to prospect clients with targets 
  • Qualify new contacts with potential catering business for BCHG on an on-going basis 
  • Coordinate marketing efforts with in-house MarCom department and our Social Media Manager
  • Strong collaboration with our different business units - MICE, Hotels, F&B, in terms of matching our value proposition to the catering market 
  • Responsibility for entering data, managing & cleaning own Databases on an ongoing basis 
  • Actively participate in Tele Sales days – every month 
  • Participate and network in client events 
  • Work with our international RFP systems
  • Networking in the local market and industry

 At BC Hospitality Group A/S, we appreciate diversity and encourage all qualified candidates to apply regardless of gender, age, handicap, ethnic background, religion and sexual orientation.   

numberOfPosts: 1


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positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: BC Hospitality Group A/S

source: DK-STAR


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