Arbejde Automation engineer Hovedstaden Novo Nordisk A/S - jobtilbud

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stillingsbetegnelse: Automation engineer

- Project Management - Denmark - Hillerød Are you passionate about supporting execution of complex and challenging projects in a GMP regulated environment? Are you motivated by building relationships and working across different departments? The IT and Automation team in the Project office, Diabetes Finished Products (DFP) is looking for an Automation Engineer. About the department The job is located in Hillerød where you will be part of the Project office – which is responsible for Project Portfolio Management, Project Governance and Project execution. You will be placed in the IT & Automation team, which main focus is to deliver IT/Automation Solutions and Services. We are responsible for initiating, planning and executing large strategic IT/Automation programmes and projects. We are a group of experienced employees characterised by team spirit and quality mind-set. The job DFP Hillerød is facing an increasing and more complex project portfolio which is to be initiated and executed within the coming years. Your main responsibilities will be to drive the IT and automation solution and implementation of the different projects, from the conceptual phase until Qualification activities are finalised. This includes support of User Requirement Specifications, design clarification, preparation and execution of Factory- and Site Acceptance Test and Installation- and Operational Qualification. You will work in close collaboration with end users, internal system managers, engineering partners and specialists in order to develop optimal IT and Automation solutions. Look forward to a dynamic project-oriented community where we share best practise with our other production sites worldwide. Qualifications You have experience with implementation of IT- and Automation Solutions within GxP regulated environments and problem solves systematically. Ideally you have experience with production lines, though we will train you in this. As a minimum you hold a B.Sc. degree in IT, automation, engineering or similar combined with a two-five years’ experience working with automation or system implementation. Alternatively you are a technician with a long track record within IT and Automation. It is crucial that you are able to network, collaborate and work at a high professional level, both internally and externally. You are expected to work both independently and in teams. It is necessary to have a sense for details and also ensure an efficient and timely project execution. As a person you are reliable, structured, proactive, self-driven and team oriented. Finally, you have proficiency in written and spoken English. At Novo Nordisk, your skills, dedication and ambition help us change lives for the better. In exchange, we offer you an opportunity to work with extraordinary talent and benefit from a range of possibilities for professional and personal development. Contact For further information, please contact Britt Ravnborg Winkler at +45 3075 1497. Deadline 6 December 2015.

Arbejdsgiver Navn: Novo Nordisk A/S

Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 44448888

Arbejdsgiver faxnummer: 44442314

Job kort beskrivelse: Systemanalytikerarbejde

land: Danmark

region: Hovedstaden

Kontrakt varighed: Fast

Kontrakttype: Fuldtid

krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet

Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark


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