Arbejde Tenure Track Assistant Professorship(s) in Social Anthropology unspecified KU-CENTER FOR SUNDHED OG SAMFUND - jobtilbud

id: NDg1ODI5NCA3

reference: 4858294

documentId: 4858294

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1533082758483

Tenure Track Assistant Professorship(s) in Social Anthropology

The Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Copenhagen, is looking to welcome new colleagues by offering one or more tenure track Assistant Professorship(s). The position(s) are available from 1 January 2019 or as soon as possible thereafter.

Exceptional candidates with an international network, a solid background in ethnographic research methods and anthropological theory, and with a strong potential for interdisciplinary collaboration within the Faculty and across the University of Copenhagen are especially encouraged to apply.

The Department of Anthropology at the University of Copenhagen is one of Europe’s largest anthropological research institutions. With a research and teaching staff of about 30, a strong administrative support team, approximately 600 students at the BA and MA levels and approximately 30 PhD students, the Department is home to a world-class, vibrant and diverse research and teaching community. In addition to the BA and MSc in Anthropology, the department also contributes to two cross-disciplinary MSc programs in Global Development and Global Health. The Department is committed to ensuring that anthropology plays an important part in addressing some of the many societal challenges facing the world today – from migration to development, health and environmental change.

To be qualified for the position as Assistant Professor, the applicant must have a PhD in Anthropology or equivalent academic qualifications. Furthermore, extensive fieldwork-based research, demonstrating a variety of research methods and forms of analysis, is required, as fieldwork is the cornerstone of the department's teaching and research. The applicant must be able to engage in an interdisciplinary research and teaching environment and demonstrate societal relevance of his/her research.

As we are interested in strengthening our broad research and teaching profile, we welcome all applicants with a firm foundation in social anthropology. In addition to the general qualifications in social anthropology we are particularly interested in strengthening the department’s expertise within digital social science as it is part of ourstrategic ambition to develop a strong research and teaching capacity in Social Data Science/Digital Anthropology. Furthermore, we are interested in strengthening our capacity within one or more of the following themes:, mobility and migration, medical anthropology as well as entrepreneurship and sustainability. Applicants are welcome to highlight their strengths in any of these areas.

Job abstractJV_description
General duties attached to the position as Assistant Professor are:

• Research within the field of Social Anthropology
• Teaching, supervision and examination of undergraduate and post-graduate students
• Administrative tasks related to the position as Assistant Professor
• Knowledge sharing and dissemination beyond the academy

In addition, we furthermore expect the candidate(s) to engage in activities that promote the employability of our graduates, as this is a strong focus of the Department. Assistant Professorship(s) at the Department of Anthropology are intended to help further develop incumbents’ careers.

Supervision as well as pedagogical training are provided. The terms of the position are covered by the tenure track programme at the University of Copenhagen, which offers tenure-track candidates a contract of six years, which can result in a tenured associate professorship subject to periodic peer assessments. For additional information about assistant professorships, tenure-track assistant professorships and the Job Structure for Academic Staff at the University, see: and:

Conditions of employment
Terms of employment will be in accordance with the agreement between the Danish Ministry of Finance and the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations (AC). The annual salary as Assistant Professor is within the range DKR 392,000 – 413,000 (EUR 52,600 – 55,400 app.). In addition to the salary paid directly, the University will also pay a monthly contribution to the pension fund corresponding to 17.1 % of the salary. Negotiation for additional supplements will be possible. A special tax scheme isoffered to researchers recruited from abroad, see

Applications must be written in English and must include the following information and documentation:
• A full CV, including name, address, telephone number, e-mail, previous and present employment and academic background including a record of research and international
research cooperation.
• A one-page researcher profile summarizing key research and teaching strengths
• A complete and numbered list of publications. The publications enclosed in the application that the applicant would like the assessment committee to consider should be marked with an asterisk (*).
• The marked publications (maximum 6) must be uploaded in the application.
• Documentation of teaching experience and evaluation, supervisory activities and pedagogical training (if any).
• Documentation of the ability to disseminate information to and share knowledge with society at large (if available).

If publications marked by an asterisk (*) are the result of a joint effort, the extent and the nature of the applicant’s contribution to each individual work must be clarified in the application, and if possible, a declaration from the co-authors or the head of the institution or office at which the work was completed should be enclosed as well.

Application procedure
After the expiry of the deadline for applications, applicants are selected for assessment on the advice of the Appointments Committee. All applicants are notified whether their application has been passed for assessment by an expert assessment committee. Selected applicants are notified of the composition of the committee and each applicant has the opportunity to comment on the part of the assessment that relates to the applicant him/herself. You can read about the recruitment process at

The terms of reference of the appointment process include that interviews and seminars may be held.

The University of Copenhagen wishes to encourage everyone interested in the positions to apply, regardless of personal background.

Additional information can be obtained from Helle Samuelsen, Head of Department H.Samuelsen (at)

Information about the Department and the Strategy of the Department can be found at:

The deadline for applications including enclosures is 15 September, 2018 (at Midnight 23:59 Danish Time).

Please note: Applications must be submitted and documents must be uploaded online. Press “Apply now” and fill in the application form. Applications received after deadline will not be taken into account.

numberOfPosts: 1


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positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime


source: DK-STAR


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