Arbejde Application Specialist Ice Cream unspecified DUPONT NUTRITION BIOSCIENCES APS - jobtilbud

id: NDkwNzI3MiA3

reference: 4907272

documentId: 4907272

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1542627370540

stillingsbetegnelse: Application Specialist Ice Cream


Job Description

DuPont Nutrition & Health is a USD 4.7 billion global business and one of the world's largest producers of specialty food ingredients, developing and manufacturing solutions for the global food & beverage, nutrition and pharma market. With more than 8,500 employees, 50+ manufacturing sites and 20+ R&D centres across the world, N&H is on a mission to make food safer, more sustainable, better tasting and more nutritious.

N&H is part of DowDuPont, a globally listed company, which came to life following the merger of Dow Chemical and DuPont in 2017. DowDuPont has a turnover of approximately $62 billion, employs around 98,000 FTEs and is headquartered in Wilmington, USA.

Do you want to become a part of an international team of globally renowned experts?

We are looking for colleague that can work in a structured and organized way with internal and external projects, mainly in the ice cream area. Preferably you have experience from the industry, especially from the ice cream industry or from the ingredient/raw material supplying industry. You like working independently as well as sharing your knowledge with colleagues and customers. Working with technical service and troubleshooting, to our global customers, will be an important part of your job. Beside this, in a team of international and experienced persons, you will be working with:

  • Coordination and participation in product development projects
  • Writing technical literature
  • Creation of sales tools, like new concepts and presentations
  • Participation and later responsible for external seminars
  • Handling of technical service request
  • Daily customer application support to our sales organization and customers


Job Qualifications

  • You are good at taking initiatives and are creative.
  • We prefer a candidate with a master degree in food science. Experience with food ingredients and food processing will be a strong advantage.
  • You are fluent in English and preferably also another European language.
  • You must be prepared to travel, as the position includes around 30-50 days of travelling annually.

For further information please contact Group Manager Finn Hjort Christensen at +45 89 43 54 50.

What we offer: At DuPont, we are dedicated to maximizing our most valuable asset - our people. We do so by embracing diversity and offering opportunities for continuous development, whilst maintaining a good work/life balance. Our compensation package includes a competitive base salary, variable performance pay and a comprehensive benefits offering. A career at DuPont offers you an opportunity to become the catalyst for change, personally and professionally. This, together with a respectful workplace that rewards achievement, makes DuPont an attractive career choice of today.

Position is based in Brabrand, but we are open to consider home based location in Europe for experienced professionals knowledgeable in ice cream production technology.

About DowDuPont

DowDuPont (NYSE: DWDP) is a holding company comprised of The Dow Chemical Company and DuPont with the intent to form strong, independent, publicly traded companies in agriculture, materials science and specialty products sectors that will lead their respective industries through productive, science-based innovation to meet the needs of customers and help solve global challenges. For more information, please visit us at

The positions represented by this job posting are aligned to one of the three divisions, Agriculture, Materials Science or Specialty Products, which are expected to separate from DowDuPont into stand-alone public companies. Information on the division alignment will be provided during the recruitment process.

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime


source: DK-STAR


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