Arbejde API Development Team Lead, Copenhagen unspecified NORDEA FINANS DANMARK A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4884100
documentId: 4884100
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1538046666173
stillingsbetegnelse: API Development Team Lead, Copenhagen
We are looking for an ambitious team lead with excellent skills in leading and being a role model for a highly competent team of backend developers. This is an opportunity for you to mix leadership and technology competences, while delivering outstanding digital services in a highly volatile, agile and demanding environment. Machine learning, robotics, cloud computing. We’re harnessing the power of technology to reinvent the future of banking. A digital revolution is underway – joining us puts you at the heart of it. Working with skilled, international teams in a fast-paced, agile environment, you’ll play a part in making us truly digital. We all have a role in building the best bank that serves our customers’ changing needs – through innovative solutions, collaboration and partnering with fintechs. Are you ready to embark on a learning journey where we lead the way and push the limits in transforming the future of banking?
Your future responsibilities
You’ll join Digital Banking, where we develop the new mobile and netbanks. The team you will be heading is supplying backend development and services to six of our scrum teams.
What you’ll be doing:
- Ensure professional development and performance of your 15 direct reports
- You will be responsible for specific application domains and therefore overseeing decision making, planning and implementation for those applications
- Take on a role in the execution organisation, like scrum master, product owner or developer
The role is based in Copenhagen. Welcome to a multinational team of people with strong passion for technology. Although our team is responsible for platform software development, we are very closely working with teams developing mobile and web application as well as product owners and other stakeholders. Who you areCollaboration. Ownership. Passion. Courage. These are the four key values that guide us in being at our best. We imagine that you enjoy learning and are excited about bringing your ideas to the table. You’re dependable, willing to speak up – even when it’s difficult – and committed to empowering others.
Your profile and background:
- Passionate about People
- Software development experience
- Experience and knowledge regarding microservice architecture and Restful API development
- Experience and knowledge of agile software development practices (e.g. SAFe, Scrum)
- Bachelor or higher degree relevant to IT industry
We believe that all managers should also be technical, so expect to get your fingers dirty even as a manager. If this sounds like you, get in touch!
More information
In the Digital Hub at, you can read more about us and how we are changing. At Nordea, we recruit from the widest possible pool and hire the best person for the job. Because diversity makes us stronger. And once you are on board, you will find that we offer equal opportunities to everyone. Please submit your application no later than 10th October 2018. For more information about the position, please contact Carl Risberg, carl.risberg (at) Great people often know great people – please share if you have a friend who could be a perfect match for this job.
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
source: DK-STAR
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