Arbejde WEB DESIGNER & DEVELOPER Syddanmark VALUE TEAM ApS - jobtilbud

stillingsbetegnelse: WEB DESIGNER & DEVELOPER

Job description We are looking for a talented, creative and experienced web designer with strong graphic and web development skills to join our strong team. Your responsibility You must drive and develop our online User Interface & User Experience concepts, presentations, animations and web designs, and contribute to our future web repository with different kinds of multimedia content. Your tasks will range widely from web development, web design, print design and possibly app development. Your primary work will be around: • Web development (html, css, php, mysql, etc.). • Web design (visualization and design concepts of our websites). • User Interface & User Experience design solutions and concepts. • Creation and maintenance of websites, databases, etc. • If you have experience with design and layout of brochures, newsletters, posters, etc. it will be a big advantage. • It would also be a big advantage if you can also do a little bit of app development (Apple & Android). Qualifications You have at least a few years of relevant practical work experience, and a technical and/or creative education in web development (programming for the web) and/or web design (designing for the web). We expect that you're familiar with a PC/Mac, and that you have a deep and thorough knowledge of current graphic programs including Illustrator, Photoshop, Fireworks, InDesign, Dreamweaver and possibly Flash. It will be a huge advantage if you have knowledge of creating Apple and/or Android apps as we expect to develop apps to support our business in the near future. Moreover, it is important that you follow the evolution of technological developments and keep yourself at the forefront of development around HTML5, CSS3 and PHP. In this position as a webdesign and developer, you will come to appreciate great influence on our future web respository, and you will drive the programming technical side of our new websites and other web development as well as the design solutions that are to be implemented in our projects. Therefore, it is important that you have strong technical skills and can develop independently in PHP with a solid knowledge of databases. Your qualifications are: • At least a bachelor, but preferably a candidate (or higher), degree in web design or web development from an international business school, university or similar. • Strong communication skills (strong english is a must-have). • Good working spirit (you work hard and you get the job done). • Expert knowledge of creating web graphics (photoshop, fireworks, illustrator, etc.). • Expert knowledge of front-end web programming (HTML5, CSS3, etc.). • Strong knowledge of back-end web programming languages and databases (PHP, JavaScript, Java, JSP, MySQL, etc.). In short, we imagine that you are most of all the very technical type of person - with strong graphic and creative skills. About you You are a committed person who is both creative and structured. You love what you do and are capable of argumenting effectively for your suggestions for improvements around our projects. Furthermore, it is important that you both are flexible, stable and very disciplined in your approach to work. In LEADing Practice, we help each other when things get heated - therefore we must all be a bit of everything, and be willing to contribute with an extraordinary effort. You are an outgoing and social person, have good interpersonal skills and able to cope with high levels of stress and find it easy to make contact with your colleagues. We will also emphasize that you have a sense of order and that you are able to work in a hectic atmosphere and can meet tight deadlines. You enjoy working in teams but are also capable of working independantly and on your own. You have your professional curiosity intact, and you feel like your personal ambition is to continue to learn. About us LEADing Practice is a consultancy and development firm on the B2B market. We are experienci

Arbejdsgiver Navn: VALUE TEAM ApS

Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 28888901

Sådan ansøger: ufo (at)

Job kort beskrivelse: Systemanalytikerarbejde

land: Danmark

region: Syddanmark

Kontrakt varighed: Fast

Kontrakttype: Fuldtid

krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet

Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark


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