Arbejde UI/UX Designer unspecified AUTOBUTLER ApS - jobtilbud

id: NDkzNjU1NiA3

reference: 4936556

documentId: 4936556

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1548675190960

stillingsbetegnelse: UI/UX Designer


Would you like to design a product that makes life easier for car owners and has the potential to turn an entire industry upside down?
Autobutler makes car ownership smarter, easier and less expensive through the worlds largest digital network of professional garages. Our concept of collecting car repair offers is centered around our design and user experience which comes first in all aspects of what we develop.

In the job as UI/UX Designer at Autobutler you have to envision how people interact and experience our product. You will be creating user flows and wireframes to build mockups and prototypes. Your responsibility will be to streamline and continuously improve the user interface to ensure it is business oriented and conversional driven. In collaboration with the Product team and our team of inhouse developers you will as well be taking part in the exciting task of transforming our user journey into an inspiring and easy-to-use experience for customers in 5 markets (Denmark, Sweden, Germany, France and United Kingdom).

You will be setting the direction for our design and communicating your ideas and solutions to both developers and stakeholders. You can expect to work and take ownership on a lot of different projects.

You will be referring to the Head of Product and be part of a product team of 3 in our Copenhagen office. We work closely with colleagues from Marketing and Development to solve complex challenges. You can expect a great atmosphere working with colleagues who are skilled and passionate about what they do. We have a casual work environment with good benefits and social events.

Your qualifications

  • +3 years of experience from a similar position (with a proven track record)
  • Visualisation tools such as Sketch, Marvel and Photoshop are your best friends
  • Your UI/UX knowledge and skills are solid and you strive for consistency
  • You think mobile first and have a thorough understanding of the most common devices
  • Have some experience with conversional driven design and split testing
  • Able to communicate your solutions to developers and stakeholders
  • Comfortable working on multiple projects at a time and taking ownership
  • Outgoing and cooperative while able to work independently
  • Fluent in English speaking and writing

We offer an attractive salary that matches your qualifications.

About us
Autobutler was established in Denmark in 2010 by two entrepreneurs. Today the company has grown into a vibrant and dynamic workplace with over 50 employees working out of our offices in Copenhagen, Berlin, and Paris. In 2016, the French car giant PSA became our main investor. With their investment, Autobutler is fitted to becoming Europe's largest online marketplace for car repairs with thousands of garages and over 500,000 customers across Denmark, Sweden, Germany, France and United Kingdom.

We will continuously be having interviews, and would therefore like to receive your application and resume today.

Feel free to contact us, if you wish to hear more regarding the position 
Rasmus Østergaard
Head of Product
rasmus (at)
Application deadline 

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: AUTOBUTLER ApS

source: DK-STAR


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