Arbejde Creation Lab Developers for Smart Payments at Østerbro unspecified NETS Denmark A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4869020
documentId: 4869020
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1535102625010
Creation Lab Developers for Smart Payments at Østerbro
Smart Payments are looking for creative developers that will help shape the future of payments – come and create with us!
Smart Payments is an innovation initiative from Nets, with the goal of being in the forefront of all the transformations that are currently happening within the digital payment domain.
We have a customer centric way of working – we put pride in understanding the end-users and only makes solutions that solve real problems.
Our Creation Lab is an innovation lab where we test and incubate ideas. We use new technology to find better solutions to known problems, and we solve new problems that rise as the payment domain changes. We do research and development within the areas of AI, blockchain, biometrics, IoT – driving solutions all the way to proof of concepts where it is validated with real end-users.
Want to be our new colleague and fill in an important role?
We are extending our team and are looking for two developers. One with focus on user interfaces both on mobile and web, and one that can develop scalable, secure and modular backend services.
We work in small teams with diverse competence to produce proof of concepts. This gives you an opportunity to take responsibility and set your own mark on future solutions.
We are currently in the process of moving to a new location at Østerbro, which is also where our Creation Lab Developers will be working
We are looking for talents with ambitions – and passion for what they are doing!
We believe that your background and professional acumen forms most of your qualifications to succeed in this role. It is also important to us that you are passionate of what you are doing in your daily work and that you take the responsibility of driving things forward to develop both business and your-self.
As a UI developer we are looking for the following professional qualifications and background:
- 2-5 years of experience in developing several web and mobile applications
- Experience in doing graphical design
- Brought technology stack knowledge
As a backend developer we are looking for the following professional qualifications and background:
- 2-5 years of experience in developing scalable and modular service
- Experience with data analytics and AI
- Brought technology stack knowledge (Java, Spring, Python, Databases, JS, micro services, REST etc)
- Good understanding of security
Of your personal qualifications we would value:
- Creative with a can-do attitude
- Team player but self-driven
- Enthusiastic about your work
Your career driven by curiosity and customer insights
At Nets, we are working towards realising a one-company approach to development, innovation and doing business, where you’ll be encouraged to think across borders and business areas to find new ways of merging our products, new technologies and market trends into innovative new solutions.
We want to attract, develop and engage the best talents and you will be working with colleagues across the Nordics. Whether it is innovation or operation that makes you tick, our company structure allows you to build your own career and grow in a business that encompasses all aspects of the digital payment value chain. We work in a thriving environment characterized by team play and informality and with plenty of social activities within sports, culture and social network.
Please send your application right now and at the latest at 09.09.2018
If you are interested in hearing more about this opportunity please contact Jesper Kildegaard Poulsen, +45 2948 7494, jkpou (at)
numberOfPosts: 1
Send ansøgning på en af de angivne kommunikationskanaler
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: NETS Denmark A/S
source: DK-STAR
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