Arbejde Tooling Design Engineer-1400017A Midtjylland Vestas Wind Systems - jobtilbud
Blades Production Engineering Tooling Blades Production Engineering Tooling, is responsible for the development of manufacturing solutions for blades production for wind turbines, as well as prototype technology projects. The Tooling team is a project oriented team delivering both to new product developments and supporting our blades factories around the world during installation and running production. The department is split between Lem, DK, Isle of Wight, UK. Responsibilities: The Tooling Design Engineer will become a member of an already strong team of CAD designers, engineers, engineering assistants and technicians who are responsible for the specification, design, manufacturing, testing and documentation of blades manufacturing equipment. The design engineer will be leading the delivery of blades manufacturing solution, with the responsibility of specifying, conceptualizing, designing, prototyping, manufacturing, testing and supporting of blades manufacturing tools throughout our global footprint. The job will require some travel to the Isle of Wight in the UK and to factories and tooling manufacturer around the world. Your work will primarily cover: •Leading the development and design of prototype and production tooling solutions, ensuring alignment with blade design, process design and blades production. •Work closely together with other engineers and specialists, technical designers and technicians across the organization to ensure high quality, state of the art tools and equipment design. •Participate in technology development projects for development of the wind turbine blades of the future. •Defining the design requirements for tooling solutions following a Design for Six Sigma philosophy. •Verifying and validating tooling designs. •Collaborating closely with external suppliers on tooling deliveries. •Implementation and installation of blades production tools all over the world •Supporting blades production from a technical point of view. Qualifications and Work Experience: You hold a or a degree in Engineering (mechanical, mechatronics, manufacturing, etc.) or equivalent education or work experience. You are attracted by an international environment with a high level of activity. You can either be a newly graduated engineer or a candidate with some years of experience within: •Development and design of production equipment. •Experience within an engineering company and the design and development process. •Basic knowledge of CE marking and machinery directive requirements. •Masters or Bachelor Degree in Mech. Eng. / Physics or equivalent. •Experience with developing and designing innovative engineering solutions. •Experience with 3D CAD modelling (Solidworks, PRO E, Catia, etc.) •Find it easy to work with people in different global locations and from different cultural backgrounds. •Prepared to working in an environment under constant change •Good communication skills in English, orally and written. Moreover, you possess the following personal competencies: •Service minded and helpful •Self-driven and responsible •Systematic and organised. •Proactive. Go and find the information you need to complete your task. •Focused on the quality of your work. •You have a strong sense of responsibility to meet project deadlines •You are a good team worker who thrives in a dynamic work environment What we offer: We offer you a challenging and demanding job with excellent professional and personal development opportunities in an inspiring, international work environment at the world’s leading manufacturer of modern energy. We have a strong focus on personal development and have a well functioning business academy, where Six Sigma Green and Black belt certifications are available. The job will bring you in contact with internal and external customers/suppliers around the world. Work Location: The primary work location is our office in Lem, Denmark. Additional information:
Arbejdsgiver Navn: Vestas Wind Systems
Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 97300000
land: Danmark
region: Midtjylland
Kontrakt varighed: Fast
Kontrakttype: Fuldtid
krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet
Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark
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