Arbejde Team Manager, Mechanical Engineering unspecified BEUMER Group A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDgzMTM2MCA3

reference: 4831360

documentId: 4831360

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1533709795806

stillingsbetegnelse: Team Manager, Mechanical Engineering


Are you looking for technical challenges and cross-functional collaborations? Join us:

  • In a leadership position with responsibility for our mechanical team, which engineers major international baggage handling systems for airports
  • To become part of a great, humorous team and a global organisation
  • As a professional who can optimise how we develop steel constructions

Develop global solutionsYou join BEUMER Group (formerly known as Crisplant) at our offices in Aarhus, Denmark. We have the leading product on the market, and our mission critical systems are installed across international airports (and run 24/7) as an essential system in the daily operation.

Lead a team of great colleaguesIn this newly established role, you become part of our Airport Engineering department. You lead the team of 17 engineers and project assistants in Mechanical Engineering, and you become part of the Engineering management team with two other managers, helping to integrate electrical, mechanical and steel engineering.

Here, you join a highly social and collegial environment. Every day, we try to make each other laugh, we support and challenge each other, and we apply our technical expertise to deliver our complex projects. Often we have to meet tight deadlines, but our team spirit means that we always pull through.

Lead and develop our steel approachAll in all, you spend about 50% of your time on the daily management of the mechanical team where you manage resources, help to develop your team and facilitate the collaboration with project managers.

During the remainder of your time, you help us plan, develop and optimise our approach to steel constructions. Thus, you play a significant part in improving our structural steelwork and ‘steel strategy’. This should include developing clear processes as well as a steel design guide, thereby making it easier to collaborate with subcontractors. You will also play an important role in our tendering processes regarding the steel evaluation

Experience with technical construction projectsStepping into this role, the key to your success is your ability to keep the overview of the resource allocation across projects, so we deliver as promised. Most often, we participate in multiple international projects, just as we collaborate with many different disciplines and functions. Thus, your role is also to help us overcome obstacles and facilitate cross-functional and cross-cultural cooperation. Your qualifications:    

  • You have 5+ years of experience with technical integrations in major construction projects.
  • You have knowledge about the machinery directive and risk assessments.
  • Preferably, you are familiar with the calculation, design and implementation of steel structures.
  • You can travel about 30 days a year.
  • You communicate effortlessly in English.

You are an experienced people manager who is able to lead highly competent technical specialists, recognising and listening to their input while setting the direction. Also, you are able to structure and prioritise your team’s tasks to meet short-term milestones as well as long-term development goals.

Interested?If you would like to know more about the position, please contact Engineering Director, Stig Mellergaard, on +45 27 61 59 37.

If you would like to play a committed part in our successful family business, you can apply online.

BEUMER GroupConveying, loading, palletising, packing, serration and distribution – BEUMER Group is a leader within the development and manufacture of high-technological intralogistics systems for global markets. Our employees stand out from others thanks to their ability to supply innovative solutions to our customers. They can do this because they know the industry and are passionate about continuously developing and expanding their knowledge. We support these high standards through teamwork, mutual respect and a working culture based on trust that fosters stability and security for all of our employees. Our common goal is to implement outstanding and innovative projects worldwide



numberOfPosts: 1


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positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: BEUMER Group A/S

source: DK-STAR


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