Arbejde Talent Acquisition Partner unspecified SYBO ApS - jobtilbud
reference: 4888339
documentId: 4888339
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1538734445020
stillingsbetegnelse: Talent Acquisition Partner
Are you driven to deliver great employee experiences through people operations and particularly talent acquisition work? Then you might be our next all-star Talent Acquisition Partner.
At SYBO, we make awesome games and entertainment experiences for our fans and audiences around the world.
We're the sum of all our parts and our staff is the beating heart of everything we make and do.
We are seeking a driven and enthusiastic Talent Acquisition Partner to help us to the next level of our growth journey and lead the effort to scale the organisation in the best possible way.
We appreciate specialists and with your particular skill set, you will get an opportunity to take our talent acquisition processes to the next level, to design and deliver on our employer branding activities and engage with awesome people and be an integral part of our entrepreneurial journey.
Sound interesting? Take a look at the job abstractJV_description - and let us know if you are the one we are looking for:
A skilled professional who can optimise and structure the entire employee journey experience, starting with attracting and onboarding the best people, who can make our company vision come alive and take part in our growth.
Drive Talent Acquisition
Reporting directly to the Head of HR, you will create and own the talent acquisition strategy, which is essential for SYBO to continue delivering stellar entertainment experiences. You will be responsible for ensuring that the right competencies are always available at all levels of the organisation. And being the owner of the onboarding process, you ensure that all new employees acquire the unique DNA and culture of SYBO quickly after joining.
We are going through a period of intense growth and we have reached the point, where we need to work on professionalizing and structuring all our people processes. Taking on the challenge as our new Talent Acquisition Partner, you also gain a unique chance to lead essential work on our people operations processes covering the entire employment cycle.
Your main responsibilities will be:
- Find best-in-class talents, in Denmark and abroad, and help to prudently grow the SYBO family
- Partner with senior and line managers to effectively onboard our new colleagues and generally keep them happy and highly-motivated
- Optimise the entire talent acquisition and onboarding process including strategic work with our employer brand
Our wish list of future deliverables includes:
- Setting up a simple, effective HRM system
- Document and outline processes and clear roles and responsibilities for hiring, compensation and development including the process for performance reviews
What we look for in you?
- Relevant educational background (preferably within HR)
- 2-3 years of experience with recruitment activities, including performing job interviews and engaging with hiring managers on finding the right candidate profile and fit (some of which may have been obtained via a student job during your studies)
- A wish to broaden your experience with talent acquisition to also include employer branding and onboarding activities, which we believe are crucial for employee success
- Fluency in English and Danish written and spoken
- Strong process skills, structure and awesome personality
- Ambitions to be the world's best Talent Acquisition Partner
Experience with working with many nationalities and hiring experienced IT/gaming/tech engineering competencies is a plus.
Who we are/Our Values:
At SYBO we build brands worthy of devotion. Our core values are: We believe in Solid Products, we work in a Synced Community, we believe that Performance Matters, we are Passionate Colleagues and we do Daily High Fives!
We can brag about:
- Having the best office location in Copenhagen
- Giving employees the opportunity to do their best work
- Having an informal and creative culture where everybody is heard
We also have...
- Health insurance
- A pension plan
- Healthy, organic lunch buffet
- Massages and training
- Diverse team; currently 19 nationalities
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: SYBO ApS
source: DK-STAR
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