Arbejde System Engineer unspecified DANFOSS A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4918512
documentId: 4918512
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1544791568896
stillingsbetegnelse: System Engineer
Job Description
Do you want to become part of a highly entrepreneurial environment? And does development and test of state-of-the-art emission monitoring solutions for the maritime industry motivate you? Then you might very well be our new System Engineer at Danfoss IXA.
We are part of the Danfoss Group, and our customers are global shipping operators, large shipyards, leading marine engine manufactures and after-treatment solution providers. Our R&D organisation consists of a highly specialized research and development team with many different competencies, and your core qualifications will be product development, product maintenance and prototype testing.
Danfoss IXA works with development of systems for energy optimization and measurement of emissions gases in the shipping industry. We are a small, flexible organization consisting of 17 skilled employees in product development, production management, sales, projects and service. The production is outsourced, and supporting functions such as HR, Legal Assistance and Reception are held by the Danfoss Group.
Your main responsibilities will be:
- Data analysis.
- Prototype testing.
- Field test of sensors.
- Support to the production.
- Electrical design and maintenance of electrical designs (PCB and products).
Requirements for educational and professional background:
- M.Sc. in Ph. Fysics, Electrical Engineer or similar.
- Experience with development of products.
- Experience with data analysis.
- Practical experience with laboratory work (electrical, gas, optical).
- Knowledge of optical system (fibers, lenses, reflectors).
- Skilled MatLab user.
- Knowledge of PSpice/OrCad
Danfoss IXA A/S is a company undergoing major development. You will be given the opportunity to develop and challenge your entrepreneurial skills in a position where you can also play an important part in the continued development and strengthening of the company's future.
On a more personal note:
- You have a good sense of humour and are a team player.
- You are flexible and ready to go the extra mile.
- You can work in an ever-changing environment.
- You can work independently and collaborate across the organization.
- You are innovative and can make decisions.
- You have solid communication skills in English, both verbally and in writing.
What can Danfoss offer?We offer professional development such as training, development plans, defined career paths, and international assignment opportunities. The opportunity to work in a dynamic environment for an innovative company with a strong position on the worldwide market. A benefit package that fits your experience and qualifications.
Reporting toYou will report to manager of Sensor R&D - Jan Rubæk-Pedersen telephone +45 26175266 and the position is located in Vejle
Please apply at your earliest convenience. We do not have an application deadline but accept applications as long as the job is posted.The position will be closed down once we have found the right candidate.
Danfoss IXA A/S, located in Vejle, was founded as an independent company in 2009 focusing on environment and energy optimization.We develop market sensors for measurement of environmental parameters, e.g. emissions, based on patented technology. Our unique sensor technology is ideally suited to the global focus on energy efficiency and the environment, and commercially we focus on the maritime segment. Danfoss IXA is now ready for the next step in the expansion of the company and continues to offer new products and solutions in the global market.
Read more about Danfoss IXA, here.
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: DANFOSS A/S
source: DK-STAR
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