Arbejde System Analyst / Developer for Greenpeace Nordic unspecified GREENPEACE - jobtilbud
reference: 4887389
documentId: 4887389
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1538635751903
stillingsbetegnelse: System Analyst / Developer for Greenpeace Nordic
Looking to take your career to the next level and contribute to protecting the environment at the same time? Join our dynamic team of IT experts at Greenpeace Nordic! We are looking for a System Analyst / Developer who can effectively create, interpret and deliver data to help the organization reach ambitious fundraising and campaign goals.
About us:
Greenpeace exists because this fragile earth deserves a voice. It needs solutions. It needs change. It needs action. Greenpeace is present in 40 countries across Europe, the Americas, Asia, Africa and the Pacific.
The IT department’s key responsibility is to ensure the ability of Greenpeace Nordic to achieve its goals by being a strategic partner to other departments and provide the right tools, systems and support to ensure staff can operate effectively.
About the role:
We are looking for a systems development all-rounder for our Copenhagen office, The Systems Analyst/Developer will provide systems analysis and development services for crucial IT systems within Greenpeace Nordic with a strong emphasis on Market Automation systems, as well as CRM and business intelligence / data warehouse development and support. He / She will be involved in functional requirements analysis, system design, implementation, and finally maintenance of such systems in cooperation with other in-house development staff as well as external staff, though the initial emphasis of the role will be on supporting our continued rollout of our Salesforce Marketing Cloud system. He / She will play a crucial role supporting the organizational strategies and demands of all affected departments across the organization (Nordic region) providing cost efficient and effective software solutions.
About you:
B.Sc. / Masters Computer Science or related degree with equivalent work experience.
Minimum of 5 years of work experience in all aspects of software development (analysis, design, implementation, testing), with documented development experience with at least one CRM system and one BI application
Knowledge/experience of/in Agile development, Scrum, and tools supporting this.
Experience in the use of analysis tools/methodologies, use of user stories and especially use-cases, scenario diagrams, modeling “languages” etc.
Excellent SQL and RDBMS skills (Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server),
Experience in Java (or another major development language) software development and knowledge of industry standards and best practices and (preferably) one or more other development languages/environments
Knowledge of and experience using SOA, Web services, and one or more of SOAP, REST, WSDL
Knowledge of HTML, XHTML, XML/XSL
Proven track record in working in a project-based IT unit including the ability to participate in project design, planning, reporting, and change management
Strong communication skills (verbal and written)
Fluent English, both spoken and written, and (preferably) fluency in one (or more) of the Nordic languages (Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Finnish)
Ideally you will also have:
Extensive understanding of the business aspects of non-profit organizations.
Solid experience and understanding of payment handling (in the Nordic countries)
Experience with (Salesforce) Market Automation systems
Experience with Salesforce Sales (CRM)
Strong Project management experience.
Documented development experience using Salesforce, APEX, SoQL etc.
Experience working with and adjusting/designing systems to comply with the Data Protection Directive in the Nordic region.
What we offer:
Unique chance to contribute and solve the world’s environmental problems.
Exciting opportunities for personal growth and professional development.
Dynamic and international workplace.
Are you interested?
To apply for this position, please send your CV accompanied by a cover letter in English by November 15th, 2018. We want to fill this position quickly so apply early!
Contact details:
Uffe Laustsen-Jensen, Systems Developer: Uffe.Laustsen-Jensen (at)
Michael Meadows, Manager, CRM, Intelligence, and Automation Unit: michael.meadows (at)
numberOfPosts: 1
Send ansøgning på en af de angivne kommunikationskanaler
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: GREENPEACE
source: DK-STAR
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