Arbejde Student worker with a business and analytical mindset unspecified LEGO SYSTEM A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4979633
documentId: 4979633
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1556541050393
Student worker with a business and analytical mindset
We are looking for an ambitious student with interest in market analysis, who possess both strong communication and analytical skills.
Global Insights:
You will be part of the LEGO Group´s global market research function, Global Insights (GI). GI has about 45 engaged employees across the world of which about 25 are working out of the corporate headquarter in Billund.Job content:Job tasks will be both within ad hoc and on-going projects. They could be:
• Insights creation and commenting
• Creation/ optimization of PPT. presentations
• Revising stimulus material for research projects
• Analysis of quantitative data
• Working with multiple data sources and combining them into relevant insights
• Dialogue and follow-up with research vendors
• Contribute to insights communication to stakeholders
Relevant profile:
You have 2 - 3 years left of your studies. You have a good understanding of marketing and it is a big advantage if your studies include relevant marketing or business courses. You are probably well under way with a relevant academic marketing education (Cand.merc, Cand.negot, Cand.oecon) and you might already have relevant marketing or market research experience.
You are good at thinking visually, communicate your ideas and messages. You are ambitious, goal oriented, show engagement and demonstrate positive thinking and a can-do attitude. You see great challenges in being tasked with tactical as well as strategic marketing problems, learn from them and contribute to their solution. You have a strong business understanding and is strategic, analytical and communicative in how you approach tasks. You like to dive into the numbers, analyze them and to turn numbers into actionable insights. It is expected that you are a super user of the MS office tools - especially Excel and PPT. Experience with SPSS or similar is an advantage.
The position as a student worker in GI requires a structured working style, that you are able to take on task responsibilities and that you are able to contribute with ideas and input, in relation to the task you are involved in.
Strong English skills are a prerequisite, both verbally and in writing, as it is the official company language. It is expected that you use English in your reporting and communication tasks as well as in your communication with foreign vendors and stakeholders.
Join the global LEGO® family
Working hours:
The job is 15 - 20 hours pr. week within normal office hours. We are flexible around your working days and understand the importance of the balance between job and your studies. It is possible to spread out the working time on many or few days over the week - depending on what suites you the best.
In the LEGO Group, we succeed together, and you will be part of a global family, where you can use your creativity and enjoy a fun working environment. We look forward to receiving your application. Please remember to attach your cover letter and a current CV in English.
If you would like to know more about the position, please contact Heidi Klaaby at +45 61267744.
We do not have application deadlines on any of our positions. We take candidates into the recruitment process continuously and close the position down, once we have found the right candidate.
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: parttime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: LEGO SYSTEM A/S
source: DK-STAR
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