Arbejde Financial Controller unspecified BIOGEN (DENMARK) NEW MANUFACTURINGApS - jobtilbud
reference: 4925209
documentId: 4925209
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1546523294900
stillingsbetegnelse: Financial Controller
Job Description
In this role you will be responsible for overseeing the Accounting and Finance activities at the Hillerod Manufacturing site, including Budgeting/Forecasting and the monthly, quarterly and annual accounting closes.
Main tasks include:
Financial long range planning and periodic forecasts
- Detailed and high-level planning and forecasts
- Provide decision support and scenario analysis
Reporting on financial performance and management reporting
- Evaluation of financial performance
- Identify drivers of variances and risk factors to meeting goals and objectives
Cost accounting
- Analyze inventory transactions - raw material consumption and work in process validation
- Review standard and actual costs
Analysis on business performance
- Analyze past results, variance analysis, trends and make recommendations for improvements
- Identify and drive improvement - support by detailed and standard/adhoc reporting for management
You will become part of a small finance team of 4 people. The current team consists of Finance Site Lead overseeing all activities, Accounting Manager overseeing accounting related activities, Payroll Lead overseeing payroll and a consultant support the controlling/forecasting activities. All AP, AR, Treasury activities are outsourced.
You have +5 years of Business Finance or other relevant experience from a similar role or big4 consultancy.
You have high proficiency with financial modeling and strong analytical and data gathering skills. You possess as well strong quantitative and analytical compentency.
You have strong English skills. Experience from working in a manufacturing environment is a plus.
As a person you enjoy working independently and have good problemsolving skills. You are agile, innovative and you have the ability to adapt to changes.
A Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting (or equivalent) is required.
Biogen offers a dynamic working environment where multi-cultural teams from all over the world strive for the best results. At Biogen you will get the opportunity to influence your own future through creativity and innovation. We offer an attractive salary package, pension and health insurance. Furthermore we offer a healthy and non-smoking workplace.
Deadline for applications: as soon as possible.
If you have any additional questions please contact Talent Acquisition Site Lead, Eva Op De Beeck at +45 72210860.
Employment Category: Full-Time Regular
Experience Level: Mid-Senior Level
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
source: DK-STAR
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