Arbejde Student assistants for logistics unspecified VELUX A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4917049
documentId: 4917049
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1544604371343
stillingsbetegnelse: Student assistants for logistics
At the VELUX Group, we give you the chance to grow. To shape your own career. To work in an international environment. To be part of a company that leads the market in sustainable indoor living. We offer you a world of opportunities – if you have the ability and the drive to take them.
Discover more at or Are you looking to broaden your skill set and gain experience within order fulfilment or logistics consultancy? And are you ready for a position where your voice help shape our future processes?
We are looking for 2 student workers, each dedicated to a specific area within logistics, to become a part of the VELUX Logistics Competence Centre in Kolding. Your challenges
… as a student worker for Logistics Consultancy
Alongside 18 logistics specialists and a fellow student assistant, you will support the entire VELUX supply chain. Together, we design and implement technical logistics solutions for warehousing, order fulfilment, commercial logistics and our SAP templates across the supply chain in all markets. You will work together with us as you:
- Partake in consulting as well as the development and implementation of changes across Danish and international logistics departments and related divisions – everything we change impacts the people around us
- Develop and manage KPIs and identify action points to improve
- Explore logistics processes to discover issues and possibilities for optimisation and recommend changes to the team
- Collaborate with analysts and supply chain specialists on translating data into digestible information that is crucial to our decision-making
- Support divisions when unforeseen logistics issues occur, such as SAP errors related to orders
”We work with optimisation and development of innovative logistics solutions. So, this is a great starting point for you if you want to learn about SAP as well as logistics processes and tools and work with experienced specialists and project managers,” says Team Manager and Logistics Consultant Søren Schaarup
.… as a student worker for International Order Fulfilment
You will join a dedicated team of more than 30 planners and order fulfilment specialists, including student assistants in both Denmark and Hungary. Together, we support 40 markets, supplying finished products to national distribution centres or customers across borders. We strive to optimise the order fulfilment flow throughout the supply chain from order to delivery.Working together with us, you will:
- Explore processes and analyse KPIs to identify possibilities for optimisations and recommend these to the management team in International Order Fulfilment
- Handle various operational tasks such as transportation cost follow-ups, transport planning, management of export documents, supporting the planners responsible for different markets, and more
- Work with and develop our stock management, e.g. analysis of stock levels
- Participate in projects to optimise operational processes, e.g. using lean
”Depending on the market, we are responsible for distribution to either local VELUX distribution centres or all the way to the end customers. The order fulfilment scope covers both B2B and B2C distribution processes, so this is a unique chance to work in and feel the pulse of an international organisation as you translate supply chain theory into practice,” explains Manager of International Order Fulfilment Tue Vestergaard.
Your qualifications Whether you are interested in working in International Order Fulfilment or Logistics Consultancy, it is vital that you are comfortable with making decisions and communicate with many internal and external stakeholders – both in Denmark and abroad. You are curious by nature, ready to learn and grow and eager to find unexpected solutions that will create value for the VELUX Group.
Working experience is not a prerequisite for these positions, but it is important that you thrive in an unpredictable, dynamic environment where we never know what the day will bring. Furthermore, you:
- Are currently studying a relevant bachelor’s – or preferably a master’s – degree in engineering, or alternatively a cand.polyt. or cand.merc. Logistics and Supply Chain Management
- Are in the last year of your bachelor’s degree or the first year of your master’s degree
- Are able to work 10-20 hours a week – we are of course flexible and accommodating to classes and exams
- Preferably have knowledge of SAP/R3
- Speak and write English fluently
Your opportunities Trust and empowerment are keywords here at the VELUX Group. Working closely with your leader and colleagues, who are ready to guide you and share their knowledge with you, you will have the opportunity to share your own ideas and give us recommendations on our processes to improve them.
With time, you will also have the opportunity to take full responsibility for your very own projects, depending on your qualifications and ability to learn and grow. The opportunities are endless here, you just have to bring your ambition and sense of accountability. And if you are interested in writing your final thesis together with us, just let us know. We will be happy to join in on your endeavours! Application and contact If you would like to know more about this opportunity and the VELUX Group, please feel free to contact Søren Schaarup, Team Manager and Logistics Consultant, on +45 21 47 20 53 or Tue Vestergaard, Manager of International Order Fulfilment, on +45 21 70 81 91.
We look forward to receiving your application and CV as soon as possible. Please mark your application with either “International Order Fulfilment” or “Logistics Consultancy” depending on which position you are interested in – if not both. The applications will be reviewed on an ongoing basis until the right candidates are found.
Application deadline: As soon as possible
Work place: Kolding
For more information: Søren Schaarup, phone +45 21 47 20 53
or Tue Vestergaard, phone +45 21 70 81 91.
Our company
For 75 years, the VELUX Group has created better living environments for people around the world; making the most of daylight and fresh air through the roof. Our product programme includes roof windows and modular skylights as well as a range of decoration and sun screenings, roller shutters, installation solutions and intelligent home controls. These products help to ensure a healthy and sustainable indoor climate, for work and learning, for play and pleasure. We work globally – with sales and manufacturing operations in more than 40 countries and around 9,500 employees worldwide. The VELUX Group is owned by VKR Holding A/S, a limited company wholly owned by foundations and family.
For more information, visit
numberOfPosts: 2
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: parttime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: VELUX A/S
source: DK-STAR
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