Arbejde Digital Analytics & Implementation Manager unspecified CARLSBERG BREWERIES A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4878779
documentId: 4878779
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1536910766890
stillingsbetegnelse: Digital Analytics & Implementation Manager
Your future role in brief:
- Support the ongoing development and implementation of the Global Digital Data Strategy, including strategies for data capture and data use
- Ensure and support data protection compliance through the development of protection, security and digital operation policies
- Manage the day-to-day global marketing and advertising tech stack (ad servers, DMP, CRM, DSP, Google tools), and support local adoption
- Support the build and testing of the audience targeting framework
- Collaborate and support media, digital and SME in insights sharing, and global alignment
- Consult with brand, customer and other teams to understand data needs and translate into analytics requirements
- Support the rollout of the media KPI framework with ongoing optimisation
Your profile
The ideal candidate is a team player, with excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to communicate with technical audiences as well as marketing and senior management. You adapt quickly to changes and work well in a matrix organisation.
You’re also meticulous, detailed oriented and have experience in defining and implementing data initiatives with a strong technical background in analytics, tagging and audience creation.
This position is based in Copenhagen and reports to the Global Director, Data Strategy & CRM.
Your profile in brief
- Experience in digital data in a global FMCG business
- Expertise with analytics and reporting tools
- Knowledge of DSP/SSP ad tech tools
- Strong project management skills and the ability to drive strategic planning and tactical execution
- Experience in rolling out global frameworks to a multitude of markets
- Minimum 4 years in Digital Analytics, Data Strategies or Marketing & Ad Technology
What Carlsberg offers?
At Carlsberg the focus on digital is anchored at the executive level. As a Digital Analytics & Implementation Manager, you will be a core member of the Global Digital Team and key to driving visible changes throughout the organisation.
You will also be working in an unique culture that has existed since the beginning in 1847, with the rich heritage of giving back to society, infused at the core of the organization. The working environment is characterized by proudness, passion and “Our Purpose” of brewing for a better today and tomorrow.
Please apply online before 12 OCT 2018 - only online applications will be considered
A Multinational Company with a Proud Local Heritage
With over 42,000 employees, Carlsberg Group brings a strong local presence to
40 different markets in Europe and Asia.
We are constantly developing our business to bring the best products possible to
consumers around the world and it is important for us to be a successful, professional
and attractive workplace.
numberOfPosts: 1
Send ansøgning på en af de angivne kommunikationskanaler
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
source: DK-STAR
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