Arbejde Commercial Director, Food, Arla Foods Ingredients - Aarhus unspecified ARLA FOODS AMBA - jobtilbud
reference: 4878691
documentId: 4878691
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1536908585693
Commercial Director, Food, Arla Foods Ingredients - Aarhus
Are you driven by ambitious targets in a performance focused culture? And are you ready to assume a significant role in Arla Foods Ingredients’ continuous development? We are an independent company within the Arla Foods Group, with an ambition to become the true global leader in value-added ingredients We have great expectations for the coming years and we are looking for a strong commercial profile to support our continued growth. You will be reporting to the Vice President for Commercial and you will be working in Aarhus, Denmark.
Strategy, performance and execution
You will head up the Strategic Business Unit of Food and manage a team of 14 colleagues. SBU Food is commercially responsible for solutions sold in the global food industry and key application areas are Bakery, Beverages, Confectionary, Dairy and Ice Cream. The business unit responsibility covers global P&L responsibility, managing the NPD pipeline, identifying and deciding on concepts. You will be working closely with representatives from R&D, Supply Chain, Marketing and Application.
You will have an important role working with strategy, performance and implementation in a complex business system, involving key accounts, internal and external stakeholders at local and regional levels. As you will be member of the Commercial Management team, you will have significant impact on the future of AFIs presence at a global scale.
High performer with a motivating managerial style
Regardless of your professional and educational background, you can demonstrate widespread experience within the field of management and empowerment of an international sales function. You hold a Bachelor or Master of Sales and use your +10 years’ practical experience to document comparable in-depth knowledge about business strategy, sales excellence and key account management, and if you have B-t-B experience from the ingredients industry that would be a certain advantage.
You are able to lead and motivate the organisation towards best-in-class performance and you use your great communication and networking skills in both the ongoing cooperation with customers as well as in the daily business with colleagues and internal partners. Equally, you have proven to be a skilled people manager fully capable of creating results through others, relying on your outstanding skills for coaching, motivating and inspiring colleagues. You are a natural when it comes to composing a team consisting of the right competencies.
Please as soon as possible as we will be reviewing applications on an ongoing basis.
numberOfPosts: 1
Send ansøgning på en af de angivne kommunikationskanaler
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: ARLA FOODS AMBA
source: DK-STAR
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