Arbejde Strategic Buyer unspecified DANFOSS A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDg2NTQ3MiA3

reference: 4865472

documentId: 4865472

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1534414388766

stillingsbetegnelse: Strategic Buyer


Job Description

Does it motivate you to take ownership for and develop supplier performance on a range of global suppliers? And do you have a strong background within Procurement and Supply Chain Management?
Then you should join Danfoss Power Solution and be our new Strategic Buyer in the Global Procurement Organisation based in Nordborg.
You will have excellent opportunities to challenge yourself and develop your competencies in a large, global organisation as well as work with engaged and competent colleagues. 

Important, central strategic and hands on tasks
As Strategic Buyer, you will be responsible for a range of strategic procurement activities to ensure supplier performance and development on both short and long-term basis. In doing so, you will be working across several global functions and serve as the link between Supply Chain and external suppliers.
Your key responsibilities will be to: 

  • Drive capacity management towards suppliers including bottleneck management
  • Coordinate ramp up and ramp down of new projects
  • Complete the Logistic Service Level Agreements with selected suppliers
  • Facilitate supplier workshop to improve supplier performance & solve problems
  • Coordinate Production Parts Approval Process for changes and new projects including worksheets, and purchase orders
  • Ensure different negotiations (delivery, additional cost etc.)

Furthermore, you will be the first escalation point for supply and/or quality issues in supply chain including documentation of supplier performance etc.
Do you have the experienced to work with Procurement & SCM in a global matrix organisation?
You hold a BSc or MSc and you have experience within    logistics, business administration and supply chain. Furthermore, you have strong skills within manufacturing, quality, technology, or process engineering.
Other key competences in this role include:

  • Experience within SCM and/or solid theoretical knowledge within the field
  • Energetic and able to find compromises between multiple and sometimes conflicting interests
  • Strategic mindset and the drive to implement in a global matrix organisation
  • Strong problem solver with excellent analytical and communication skills

On a more personal level, you are a curious, independent person with a strong drive. You are a strong communicator and able to interact with people both inside and outside of the organisation. Last, but not least you are fluent in English, both in writing and in speech.
For further information about the position
please contact Stina Hakonsen Andersen, Manager, Procurement, on +45 30 63 89 91. 

Please apply at your earliest convenience. We do not have an application deadline but accept applications as long as the job is posted.The position will be closed down once we have found the right candidate.

numberOfPosts: 1


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positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: DANFOSS A/S

source: DK-STAR


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