Arbejde Staff Specialist or Medical Consultant wanted for dream job with District Mental Health Services Vordingborg, Psychiatric Hospital unspecified Regionshuset - Sorø - Slagelsevej - jobtilbud

id: NDkwNjA0OCA3

reference: 4906048

documentId: 4906048

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1542278765100

Staff Specialist or Medical Consultant wanted for dream job with District Mental Health Services Vordingborg, Psychiatric Hospital


 Do you want to be part of a modern psychiatric organisation with an ambition to achieve high professional quality and coherent patient care? Do you prefer to work in an informal work environment with a flat hierarchy and opportunities for influence and independence?

About us:

The District Mental Health Services are part of Psychiatry South with the ward located in Vordingborg. The ward has 70 beds, 10 of which are in the emergency psychiatric reception (“Psykiatrisk Akut Modtagelse” – PAM); a section where we receive patients/citizens both referred and not referred by physicians.

Our psychiatric hospital is located in the town of Vordingborg in idyllic surroundings close to the shore – just 240 km from Hamburg and 100 km from Copenhagen.
South Zealand offers historically low property prices and good possibilities for both buying and renting. There is a wide range of public schools, small rural independent schools and large urban independent schools.

We work with more long-term patient care within all diagnoses. We work with packages for bipolar disorder and DBT treatment (Dialectical Behaviour Therapy) for personality disorders. We also have patients with court-ordered treatment. All patients are assigned a primary healthcare professional, and the physician works in close collaboration with these. There is a good collaboration between the wards and outpatient units to create coherent patient care.

We serve citizens from the municipality of Vordingborg and the staff consist of nurses, physicians, occupational therapists, psychologists, a secretary, i.e. approx. 10 employees.

We are looking for a medical specialist who wants to engage in professional development/challenges with the team consultant, team leader and employees, and who will help to ensure that our patients receive high-quality treatment.

Psychiatry South is characterised by an open, informal and adaptable culture with a great team spirit, solidarity and interdisciplinary task solution. We have a strong desire and willingness to develop and improve. This translates, among other things, into a high degree of involvement and sparring between professional groups, sections and outpatient units. We solve the tasks together, which also translates into a good work environment and very positive evaluations from our junior doctors and medical students.

Based on your professional preferences, interests and talents, we offer you

 Exciting clinical work
 The opportunity to complete psychotherapeutic programmes

The medical specialist is expected to take on approximately two shifts each month on the wards in Vordingborg (after working hours, i.e. the on-call shifts are covered in the daytime by physicians employed on the wards in Vordingborg).

About you and your application

You are a specialist in psychiatry, possibly general medicine, and have good interpersonal skills.

Employment as a medical consultant generally requires five years of employment within the psychiatric field after obtaining specialist registration. Your application must include a abstractJV_description of qualifications and competences within the seven medical roles. In accordance with Region Zealand’s policy, a criminal record and child protection certificate are obtained for all future employees.

For further information, please contact senior medical consultant, PhD Dorthe Goldschmidt, tel. 51 33 38 62 dgo (at), or senior head nurse, MPG Mia Hesselberg Nielsen, tel. 51 51 23 14.


Application: Please send your CV in English or German language to:  

Internationalrekruttering (at) 


numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: Regionshuset - Sorø - Slagelsevej

source: DK-STAR


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