Arbejde ServiceNow Specialist unspecified KAMSTRUP A/S - jobtilbud

id: NTAzNTMyMiA3

reference: 5035322

documentId: 5035322

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1566909040263

stillingsbetegnelse: ServiceNow Specialist


Are you passionate about creating business value with good solutions in ServiceNow? Are you continuously aiming at being among the best within your field? Would you like to work within the field between business and IT?

Become a part of an ambitious Enterprise Systems team in Kamstrup
You will become a part of the Enterprise Systems team which consists of 20 dedicated colleagues with competencies within system administration, project management, development, integration and architecture. The team is responsible for operation, development and planning of Kamstrup’s platforms and applications for supporting the business processes. Our platforms include the company’s ERP, CRM, PLM and service management systems as well as a wide variety of related applications.

We are undergoing rapid development and are adding a ServiceNow Specialist to the team, who will play a central role in the continuous development of the ServiceNow modules CSM and ITSM. In this way, you will contribute to our goal of being a trustworthy and efficient partner for the organisation.

ServiceNow was implemented in 2019, and already it provides a foundation for the service processes at Kamstrup. The initial scope is CSM and ITSM, but the visions are great, and you have the opportunity to become part of an exciting journey. 

ServiceNow Specialist with business understanding and a huge drive 
In the newly created position as ServiceNow Specialist, you will play an important role in developing the system at Kamstrup. Your insight into standard ITIL processes and the establishment of ServiceNow will support our overall strategy on standardisation and harmonisation. In your everyday, you will help the organisation choose standard solutions in cooperation with our ServiceNow Architect.

As ServiceNow Specialist, your primary tasks will be to:

  • Develop solutions on the platform in close cooperation with the architect and the organisation.
  • Support a strong governance model and a structured approach to upgrades and changes.
  • Be part of the project phases in the application and system development such as analysis, design, construction, testing, implementation, follow-up and maintenance.
  • Be in close contact with the users and superusers of the applications.
  • Cooperate daily with our ServiceNow Architect about configuration.
  • Be in close contact with colleagues in the department working with solutions that are or will be integrated with ServiceNow. Examples of these solutions are ERP, PLM, QMS and CRM.

You must be dedicated to creating solutions that contribute to supporting Kamstrup’s vision of being among the world’s leading suppliers of intelligent metering solutions for energy and water.

Personality matters
You have a huge drive and thrive in the field between IT and business. With your business understanding and technical insight, you will be able to discuss possible solutions and new ideas with the organisation. It is essential that you stay updated on knowledge about ServiceNow via communities and education, so that you can inspire your colleagues and the organisation.

Most likely, you hold an advanced master’s degree in engineering, computer science or a degree or the like. It is not crucial whether you are newly qualified or experienced - as long as you have the curiosity and perseverance required to be successful in the job. It is an advantage if you are experienced and interested in:

  • The ServiceNow platform in general.
  • Java Scripting.
  • Certificates in relevant frameworks, best practice and standards, for example ITIL, SDLC, etc.
  • Communication and training of users and superusers
  • Other business systems such as ERP, PLM and CRM since ServiceNow is expected to be closely integrated with these.
  • Process standardisation and harmonisation

The job requires fluency in written and spoken English.

We offer more than just a job
In the newly created position as ServiceNow Specialist, we offer you an interesting position where you can influence the future use of ServiceNow at Kamstrup. We offer an educational working environment where professional coaching and competence development are an integral part of the workday. 

We offer flexible working hours and numerous employee benefits, counting a healthy canteen, free fruit, fitness facilities, in-house dental clinic, hairdresser and a free health clinic. Moreover, we have an active employee association.

Do you want to be a part of Kamstrup?
Please submit your application online. Applications are reviewed on a continuous basis, but you can expect a response within six weeks. Job start: As soon as possible

If you have any questions about the position, please contact Enterprise Systems Manager, Casper Gjørup on phone: +45 89 93 10 00.

About Kamstrup
Kamstrup develops and manufactures innovative solutions for measuring energy and water consumption. Kamstrup is the world's leading manufacturer of advanced and innovative equipment for the district heating sector and is one of the leading European suppliers of smart meters and other equipment for the electricity sector.

Kamstrup has over 1500 employees in more than 20 countries with headquarters in Denmark. Kamstrup has a healthy economy, high growth rates and a strong focus on development of technology and staff. 

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: KAMSTRUP A/S

source: DK-STAR


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