Arbejde Senior IT Security Architect unspecified NOVO NORDISK A/S - jobtilbud


reference: 5004639

documentId: 5004639

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1560429023356

stillingsbetegnelse: Senior IT Security Architect


Would you like to ensure IT security for Novo Nordisk in the future?

We are looking for a Senior IT Security Architect, who will take on activities within log collection solutions, content development and incident response in our Global Security Operations.

In Novo Nordisk, we want to be frontrunners of a truly risk based IT security, involving and activating the business in a new and innovative way. We set the direction for IT security requirements prior to implementation and act as advisors for our colleagues across the global IT organisation to ensure IT security in Novo Nordisk. If you have an innovative mind-set combined with high ambitions and the ability to achieve our vision, it might be you we are looking for.


About the department

You will be part of the Global Security Operations team in Denmark consisting of 8 highly skilled Security Specialists, Analysts, Incident Responders and Architects. We work in a global organisation to secure and protect the company’s business systems and information worldwide.  

We have IT security departments in Denmark, USA and India as well as local IT security contacts across the globe. The IT security department is based in Global IT, where we manage critical IT systems, services and infrastructure used across the entire value chain of Novo Nordisk. You will be joining an organisation of 1000 IT colleagues. We consider our Novo Nordisk colleagues the centre of our work, which is why we always seek to engage with them to achieve the best solutions.


The position

You will act as a Senior Security Architect, specialising in designing log and security event collection solutions, Content Development and Incident Response, taking a leading role in global incident response. You will work closely with colleagues to support and improve our SIEM and content management, threat intelligence and intrusion detection and defence setup. You will continuously ensure security capabilities are up to date, with regards to our capabilities to detect, prevent and ensure responses are cohesive and fit for purpose throughout our Security Operations.

You will be up to date with changes and technology trends to mitigate new threats and vulnerabilities.


Our new employee will contribute with a high level of technical understanding of IT Security, IT Infrastructure as well as Cloud Security Dev Ops. You will work with our Threat Intelligence team to support proactive identification as well as characterisation of emerging threats, vulnerabilities, tactics, techniques and procedures.

 You will work closely with colleagues in Global Security Operations in US and India, Global Infrastructure Operations and business stakeholders to ensure efficient and effective IT security and infrastructure solutions.

 As part of the Global Security Operations team, you will play a key role in identifying, assessing, designing and developing future security operations capabilities. You will continuously be striving to engrain security into our future IT and System infrastructure.

You will act as a role model for security behaviour and will need to stay on top of the latest developments within SIEM and data analytics platforms, security orchestration, cloud technologies, and threat intelligence.

 The job is based in Copenhagen, Denmark with limited travel activity.


You understand complex IT environments and have experience working in global companies, with service delivery, partners and vendors. It goes without saying that you are a strong team player, happy to share information, workload, and experience. 

The ideal candidate has 10+ years of experience within IT security CERT/CSIRT functions and preferably with knowledge of or a background in enterprise IT infrastructure, cloud or network architecture and operations.You have a thorough knowledge of the principles and strategies central to Enterprise IT Security and can demonstrate a deep understanding of areas pertaining to SIEM operations, analytics and correlation detection, and incident response such as digital forensics and incident handling.

You should hold one or more relevant security certifications, such as, GCDA, GCIA, GCED, GMON, GCIH, GNFA, GCTI, CEH. Furthermore, training and certifications in SPLUNK will be a key advantage (i.e. Splunk Certified Developer, Splunk Enterprise Security or Splunk Enterprise Architect). In-depth knowledge with AWS and AZURE Security technologies is a further advantage.

You will succeed in this position if you are capable of building relationships and engaging people at all levels of the organisation. Your strong drive and persistence will also take you far.


Working at Novo Nordisk 

At Novo Nordisk, we use our skills, dedication and ambition to help people with chronic diseases. We offer the chance to be part of a truly global work place, where passion and engagement are met with opportunities for professional and personal development.



Interviews will be conducted on an ongoing basis, however deadline is 30 June


Millions rely on us
To work for Novo Nordisk you will need the skills, dedication and ambition to change lives for the better for millions of patients living with diabetes and other chronical diseases. In exchange, we offer the chance to be part of a truly global workplace, where passion and engagement are met with opportunities for professional and personal development.

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: NOVO NORDISK A/S

source: DK-STAR


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