Arbejde Senior Project Lead with strategic/commercial flair for Operations’ development projects unspecified Ørsted Vind A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDg5MzAxNiA3

reference: 4893016

documentId: 4893016

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1539685684236

Senior Project Lead with strategic/commercial flair for Operations’ development projects


Would you like to take up the challenges of driving Operations’ scope and commercial deliverables for future offshore wind farms?  

Join us and become an Operations Senior Project Lead in Wind Power where you’ll be responsible for all Operations & Maintenance (O&M) activities and deliverables during the early development phase of an offshore wind farm (including Operations’ deliverables to Final Investment Decisions).  

Your key tasks will be to 

  • be responsible for driving the strategic Operations set-up for projects in the early development phase also with respect to new market entries 
  • develop the O&M scope and concepts and be responsible for the development of OPEX cases for future offshore wind farms in the early development phase, including the Final Investment Decision (FID) 
  • act as the Operations focal point and drive the collaboration with other project stakeholders during the early development phase 
  • ensure that the lifetime OPEX model assumptions and yield profiles are robust and that all decisions are made with the input of necessary stakeholders and supported by a solid business case 
  • project manage the scope and ensure timely delivery of Operations’ deliverables for FID (and towards the beginning of the construction/ execution phase). 

 Furthermore, you’ll oversee assumptions behind the lifetime OPEX model and yield profiles, ensuring the wind farm OPEX and yield profiles are reflective of asset specific concepts and risks. You’ll be responsible for ensuring that synergies with existing or potential future offshore wind farms are considered and that the optimal O&M harbour is selected. Your duties will also include preparing and presenting decision materials to senior management, ensuring risks are quantified and proposals are supported by solid business justification principles.  Finally, you’ll be tasked with managing dependencies to other packages of the wind farm, including risks and scope changes, developing the O&M scope of work and initial budget for the construction/ execution phase. You’ll manage communications with project team members as well as internal and external project stakeholders, and you lead the hand-over to the O&M project manager responsible for the construction/execution phase.  

Your competences include that you 

  • have a degree in business, economics, or engineering and a solid understanding of business case principles and relevant project management experience 
  • have experience from a commercial role in a technical industry such as energy, infrastructure, or heavy industry coupled with experience of working in cross-cultural and virtual teams. A background from M&A or management consulting would also be relevant 
  • have an understanding of operational and/or project environments and experience in developing and justifying project concepts, scope and costs 
  • possess good people leadership and conflict resolution capabilities 
  • have an independent, organised and structured work approach and the ability to multitask. 

 Moreover, you demonstrate strong self-drive, motivation and resilience coupled with a positive mind-set. Furthermore, you’ll demonstrate solid people influencing skills, presentation and communication skills with the ability to communicate effectively across cultures and different geographical locations.  It is essential that you have the ability to navigate in a complex organisation without direct supervision and can successfully build and use a personal network to achieve your objectives. In addition, it is essential that you have good skills in MS Office.  

Working at Ørsted 

To be the frontrunner in the green energy transformation, we invest significantly in innovation and empower our employees to help shape the renewable energy technologies of the future. We cultivate a collaborative, dynamic and diverse work environment and encourage career-long learning and development so our people can realise their full potential.   

Would you like to help shape the renewable technologies of the future? 

Send your application to us as soon as possible and no later than 31 October 2018, as we’ll be conducting interviews on a continuous basis.  

Please don’t hesitate to contact Moritz Ludwig, Head of Operations Development Projects, by telephone on +49 172 2831 983 if you’d like to know more about the position.  

You should expect some travelling in relation to your work.  

About Ørsted 

Headquartered in Denmark, Ørsted’s 5,800 employees develop, construct and operate offshore wind farms, bioenergy plants and innovative waste-to-energy solutions and provide smart energy products to its customers. Ørsted Wind Power’s 2,200 employees have developed and constructed the largest portfolio of offshore wind farms in Northern Europe, and we’re expanding with international activities in the US and Asia-Pacific. For more information on Ørsted, visit 

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: Ørsted Vind A/S

source: DK-STAR


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