Arbejde Documentation Coordinator Syddanmark Siemens Wind Power A/S - jobtilbud

stillingsbetegnelse: Documentation Coordinator

Job ID: 207795 Location: Vejle Organization: Siemens in Denmark – Siemens Wind Power – Mode of employment: Full time We are looking for a documentation coordinator to support customer order engineering within our expanding offshore business segment. You will be based at our Center of Competence in Vejle, Denmark. What are my responsibilities? As a documentation coordinator in the documentation and design risk team, you will be in charge of identifying, collecting, organizing, storing, and delivering a complete package of technical documentation to our projects. The different tasks will be carried out in close collaboration with our technical project management team. More specifically you will: • Assess our client’s requests for technical documentation, establish a delivery timeline, and prepare status reports • Locate and retrieve the above-mentioned documentation from our suppliers (both internal and external) • Store, categorize and structure the collected documents for future use • Deliver requested documents’ packages to the projects In addition to the above project and tasks, we would like you to participate in different work streams, in other areas (technical writing or EHS), with more senior employees, and eventually have more responsibilities in these areas. What do I need to qualify for this job? You have an engineering or technical background combined with experience in project management - ideally within the wind or construction industry. As a person you are structured, organized, methodical, and able to work autonomously. In addition, you are outgoing, flexible and comfortable with approaching different people at different levels; intercultural awareness is also essential. You have excellent communication skills and a sound command over English both orally and in writing. In case you have acquired your skills in alternative ways your application is just as well appreciated. What else do I need to know? Siemens Wind Power is a leading supplier of wind power solutions for onshore, offshore and coastal sites. Denmark is a core part of Siemens’ global wind power activities, housing global wind power R&D and engineering activities along with several supply chain management, sales and project management functions. Currently, approximately 6,000 employees out of a global staff of more than 11,500 work with wind power solutions in Denmark. Read more at We continuously strive to strengthen our position, and we are therefore looking for bright minds eager to join a dynamic, international organization offering unique opportunities for its employees. Apply online in English for the job at Please note that we will reply by email. We are looking forward to receiving your online application. Please ensure you complete all areas of the application form to the best of your ability, as we will use the data to review your suitability for the role. For further information about the recruitment process, please contact the recruiting team via phone: +45 99 42 21 20. Deadline for applications: as soon as possible If you want to know more about what it is like to work and live in Denmark, please read more at

Arbejdsgiver Navn: Siemens Wind Power A/S

Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 9942 2222

Job kort beskrivelse: Ingeniørarbejde i industri og produktion

land: Danmark

region: Syddanmark

Kontrakt varighed: Fast

Kontrakttype: Fuldtid

krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet

Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark


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