Arbejde Senior Licensing Director in Global Business Development unspecified Novo Nordisk A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDkwMTIzNSA3

reference: 4901235

documentId: 4901235

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1541491576520

Senior Licensing Director in Global Business Development


Do you want to be part of a high performing team in one of the world´s leading pharmaceutical companies? Are you driven by bringing innovation to patients? Can you turn complex negotiations into simple deals? Then you might be our new Senior Licencing Director in Global Business Development in Global Drug Discovery.

Over the coming years, Novo Nordisk will identify and execute on several new strategic priorities. This will enable the build of a more diverse, dynamic and scientifically leading pipeline of drug discovery and development projects for the benefit of people with diabetes, obesity, haemophilia and other serious chronic diseases.

As an integral part of this new focus, Novo Nordisk will identify new sources of innovation to advance a portfolio of differentiated medicines in areas of unmet medical needs. Specifically, we aspire to elevate the innovation bar in our core therapeutic areas, expand into new therapy areas and in particular intensify external innovation activities.

About the department
The Global Business Development area serves as the single point of accountability for search and evaluation, effective partnering and business development of external collaborations across all of Novo Nordisk’s therapy areas and the overarching strategy for Novo Nordisk Research & Development (R&D). We are responsible for handling R&D Support agreements as well as driving due diligence and deal making (up to clinical Proof of Concept) on all R&D partnerships and alliances involving intellectual property rights. All of this is done in close collaboration with other R&D functions. The unit has significant impact on the mid-to-long term growth and development of Novo Nordisk and is mandated to propose and execute on all relevant external opportunities.

The position
To facilitate such expansion of our externally derived R&D pipeline, Global Business Development is seeking a Senior Licensing Director to handle our future partnering efforts. You will be responsible for closing deals to strengthen our R&D efforts across our therapy areas. You will also participate in a number of other business development related tasks such as potential strategic collaborations and related engagement models.

The projects will be handled in close collaboration with colleagues in the research organisation, legal departments in Denmark and US and other relevant functions such as Patents, Development, Commercial, Chemistry, Manufacturing and Control (CMC) and Regulatory.

This involves driving due diligence processes, benchmarking analysis, term sheet discussions, contract negotiations and senior management presentations to secure mandates and approvals internally.

The job requires a deep understanding of how to establish successful collaborations and sustainable agreements in a productive and timely manner. You further possess the ability to work cross functionally in order to find balanced solutions to the interests of the parties involved.
All projects are with foreign counterparts and/or negotiated in English. You will also participate in international licensing networks/meetings, and furthermore you will establish close relationships to the other functions in Global Drug Discovery. We expect you to build a network across the organisation and with external partners.

You will join a team of senior colleagues and report directly to the Head of Global Business Development. You will be based in Novo Nordisk’s offices in Måløv.


  • MSc/PhD/JD/MBA linked to Life Science industry
  • 5+ years of pharma experience
  • Business development experience and proven track record
  • Excellent negotiation skills
  • High-energy, pro-active attitude, independent, results-orientation and the ability to work in a fast-paced and rapidly evolving environment
  • Significant experience in shaping and delivering clear and compelling executive-facing presentations
  • Fluent in written and spoken English


Working at Novo Nordisk
At Novo Nordisk your skills, dedication and ambition help us change lives of the patients for the better. In exchange, we offer you an opportunity to work with extraordinary talent and benefit from a range of possibilities for professional and personal development.

For further information, please contact Head of Global Business Development John McDonald at +1 978-844-0635 or Anne Bording Jensen at +45 3079 7678.

Nov 25th 2018.

Millions rely on us
To work for Novo Nordisk you will need the skills, dedication and ambition to change lives for the better for millions of patients living with diabetes and other chronical diseases. In exchange, we offer the chance to be part of a truly global workplace, where passion and engagement are met with opportunities for professional and personal development.

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: Novo Nordisk A/S

source: DK-STAR


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