Arbejde Senior LabVIEW Engineer Syddanmark SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC IT DENMARK ApS - jobtilbud
Are you passionate about labVIEW? Do you have an eye for making smart and efficient test solution? Then join Schneider Electric for the opportunity to apply your expertise and cooperate internationally. Make a difference – join Schneider Electric Schneider Electric is a global frontrunner in energy solutions and management with more than 170.000 employees in 100 countries. We take up a leadership position in utilities, intelligent systems and solutions for data and communications, helping individuals and organisations make the most of energy. You will join the Industrialization team, which is responsible for manufacturing and supply-chain process design in our Product Development Projects (PMP) for three phase UPS systems. These are being developed in our 3 design centres in France, Denmark and China for our manufacturing sites, which are mainly located in Asia. Develop and implement Automated Manufacturing Test Equipment Working out of Kolding, Denmark, you will be responsible for developing and implementing Automated Manufacturing Test Equipment (ATE) for our PMP projects. Specifically, you: •Define our production test strategy and make sure we use the right tools and methods •Are responsible for test equipment specifications and cost, compiling test design documentation, work instructions and related document as required by Schneider Electric standard and qualification •Design, code and maintain test software in NI LabVIEW and NI TestStand and manage revision control of source code and related documents •Cooperate closely with the R&D design team through the design for test process, just as you collaborate with the ATE project leader, factory teams and vendors Initially, you will join an ongoing project and take over 1-2 ATEs. Over time, you contribute to the standardisation of our test equipment design process and improve our existing solutions – in collaboration with the ATE project leader and the remaining Industrialization team. Many career opportunities and focus on development At Schneider Electric we want the best employees. That is why we do not compromise on education and personal development, and we work targeted and structured with educational plans from day 1. You will constantly develop your professional competencies and have focus on your personal development. Knowledge of production test technologies, NI LabVIEW and NI TestStand •You hold a strong academic background as a Software Engineer or Electronics Engineer and you have experience with project planning and working with vendors •You have 5+ years of experience in programming in NI LabVIEW and 1-2 years of experience in NI TestStand. •You are aware of production test technologies (e.g. SPI, AOI, X-Ray, ICT, FCT or HASS) •You see technical solutions as a tool to achieve goals, and you have an ability to standardise designs and methods to increase efficiency and quality •You are a skilled communicator who speak and write English fluently, and you are able to travel up to 20 days a year to factories and vendors in Asia. Interested? If you have any questions regarding the position, please contact Manager, Industrialization, Allan Thomsen on +45 25 27 54 11. Read more about us and meet some of our employees at Please apply before August 17, 2016 Please send us your motivated cover letter, CV and diplomas. We look forward to hearing from you. Location: Danmark-Syddanmark-Kolding
Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 75542255
Job kort beskrivelse: Systemanalytikerarbejde
land: Danmark
region: Syddanmark
Kontrakt varighed: Fast
Kontrakttype: Fuldtid
krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet
Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark
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