Arbejde Scientific Officer, Innovation unspecified NOVO NORDISK FONDEN - jobtilbud

id: NDkyNTQ0OCA3

reference: 4925448

documentId: 4925448

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1546597396210

stillingsbetegnelse: Scientific Officer, Innovation


Do you want to be part of a new Department focused on creating high-impact initiatives in the intersection between the Life Sciences, Technical Sciences & Natural Sciences?

If working closely with start-ups and innovative projects and manoeuvring in a new landscape where no one has been before motivates you; if you have ambitions to develop an ecosystem within the life sciences and assist in creating new solutions and start-up companies; this might be the job you have been waiting for.  

As a Scientific Officer, you will be instrumental in starting up the new Department for Innovation in the Novo Nordisk Foundation. As a Scientific Officer, you will be part of an exciting environment, where you will be a key player in building up a new department with the ambitious goal of translating science into new products, treatments and services for the benefit of society. 

This will all happen in an interdisciplinary environment with strong outreach and collaboration with colleagues in all departments in the Novo Nordisk Foundation and with our key stakeholders in academia, industry and public institutions. The job presents thus a unique opportunity to participate in making a lasting, fundamental impact on the Danish innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystem with a vision to build internationally leading initiatives for translating research into new solutions.   

The Job  

Working closely with the rest of the Team and the other Departments in the Novo Nordisk Foundation, the Scientific Officer will be responsible for identifying, developing and proposing strategic initiatives within the life sciences, technical- or natural sciences that facilities the translation of early stage research discoveries into new solutions, products or services.  

You will also contribute in establishing formal and informal ties with academia and industry to identify high impact initiatives that bridges research from academia with industry i.e. using novel approaches such as AI, machine learning, health-care data or attracting talent to Denmark. Other important key tasks include preparation and delivering material regarding applications and budgets to management, preparing committee meetings and interacting with committee members for the Innovation Pilot Grants, and ensure that all milestones are delivered on time. Equally, it is pivotal that you contribute to a working climate based on trust, respect and quality.    

Professional Qualifications   

We are looking for a candidate with:  

  • An MA/PhD level within the Natural Sciences, Medical Sciences or Engineering  
  • +5 years of related job experience 
  • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills 
  • Strong communication skills    
  • Strong experience with early stage projects and start-ups within pharma and/or medtech  
  • Proficient user of the Microsoft Office package   
  • Can run end execute large projects from end-to-end 

 Personal Qualifications We are looking for a candidate that is: 

  • Industrious. You are a diligent, hardworking person who continues to work and take new initiatives in order to reach a goal. 
  • Reliable. You are systematic in your approach, you plan and organize your work effectively with a clear target in sight  
  • Network oriented. You have a large network within the Danish/international innovation ecosystem  
  • Quality oriented. You make proposals and take actions to increase the quality and you ask others to provide feedback on the quality of deliveries 
  • Helpful. You possess a high degree of empathy and a team-oriented nature 


Working at the Novo Nordisk Foundation 

The Foundation aims to create a healthy, safe, motivating and flexible working environment in which all employees thrive both professionally and privately. The Foundation offers a unique opportunity to work in a dynamic and ambitious organisation where:  

  • Clear values and exciting tasks provide great opportunities for you to build your professional profile in the life science community 
  • Talented colleagues, stimulating projects and new initiatives offer an inspiring work environment 

You will enjoy the opportunity to be part of a dedicated team with diverse backgrounds, and you will be trusted with significant operational freedom.     


For more information, please contact Senior Programme Manager Mikkel Skovborg on telephone: +45 30674854 or e-mail mswv (at) We encourage you to send your application as soon as possible and no later than 21 January 2019. The expected starting date is 1 April 2019.  

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: NOVO NORDISK FONDEN

source: DK-STAR


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