Arbejde ScanPeople is looking for an Application Specialist for Hamilton Nordic (Denmark) unspecified SCANPEOPLE ApS - jobtilbud

id: NDkzMDIxNyA3

reference: 4930217

documentId: 4930217

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1547455109360

ScanPeople is looking for an Application Specialist for Hamilton Nordic (Denmark)


Hamilton is the global leader within automated liquid handling workstations and laboratory automation technologies provided for the scientific community. Their focus is always on the customer when designing their future automation system, and are known for their engineering excellence, innovation, quality and reliability for more than 50 years.
They are a global enterprise, headquartered in Nevada, Massachusetts and Bonaduz, Switzerland.

Hamilton, as a company, has a culture where people are highly appreciated for taking responsibility, finding solutions, being proactive and give the extra 2 % to exceed their customers’ expectations.

At Hamilton, they give you the possibility to enter a great team and company, to work with the newest technologies, to solve a lot of challenges and importantly – to make a real difference for their customers!

You can read more about Hamilton here:

About the job:

The Nordic Application team always strives to deliver the best support to their customers – and to deliver a state-of-the-art product. They take pride in their work – and always work side-by-side with their customers as a team in designing the best possible solution to fulfill their needs.

As their business is growing fast, they are expanding their team – therefore, ScanPeople is looking to hire a new member to join their team.

We are looking for a person, who is ready to join a high performing team – and to be a part of their journey to create a world-class support team. We are also looking for a person that is ready to enter a position, requiring a lot of hard work. You must thrive in a fast-paced environment and be ready to travel to their Nordic customers (50-60 travel days annually).

As an Application Specialist, your role is to communicate with the customers and get to understand their assays and workflows – and guide them to take the steps to automation.

  • Designing of automation concepts and bridging this info between the customer and the Swiss engineering-/production site (Hamilton).
  • Developing customized protocols that can run the system, troubleshooting and optimizing liquid handling and.
  • Conducting software and programming trainings for the customer.
  • Pre-sales activities together with the highly qualified sales team – like joined customer visits, tradeshows, time estimation
  • You’ll be doing all the above, while insuring customer satisfaction and an on-time project delivery.

You will be good at managing projects and managing your own time, as you will always have many parallel activities ongoing. We expect you to take responsibility and commitment to deliver excellent results – and we will offer you a flexible working environment, a great team and a lot of fun.

We are looking for a candidate with the following profile:

  • You have a background in life science.
  • You possess great planning and communicative skills.
  • You have good programming skills – and must have been exposed to programming in C, C#, Python or similar.
  • You take responsibility and can work both independently and in teams.
  • You are a problem solver.
  • You must be able to travel both nationally (in Denmark) and internationally.
  • You can manage activities across multiple projects with minimal supervision.
  • You have experience with programming of complex applications (desirable).

We are looking to occupy the vacancy as soon as possible and will be booking job interviews continuously. We are waiting for the right candidate, but you should send your application today rather than tomorrow.

You can see a video of one of Hamilton’s most popular products in action below:

If you can relate to the above – and you are ready for new and exciting challenges, please send your CV and application by e-mail to Christian Behrenthz Olesen from ScanPeople at cbo (at)

For more information, feel free to contact Christian by telephone: +45 43 31 00 74.

We are looking forward to receiving your application!

About ScanPeople:

ScanPeople is a young and dynamic Danish company in the Scanavo group. We are specialized in hiring staff on behalf of industrial,

medical, and technical companies, and one of our strengths are the employee’s much differentiated backgrounds. Together, the

employees of ScanPeople have more than 25 years of experience with temporary hires, search and recruitment.

You can read more about ScanPeople at

Should this vacancy not be the right match for you, you are welcome to follow us on LinkedIn or Facebook – where all our job listings

are posted.

numberOfPosts: 1


Send ansøgning på en af de angivne kommunikationskanaler

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: SCANPEOPLE ApS

source: DK-STAR


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