Arbejde Head of Clinical Research unspecified RADIOMETER MEDICAL ApS - jobtilbud
reference: 4925789
documentId: 4925789
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1546605785193
stillingsbetegnelse: Head of Clinical Research
About Us
At Radiometer, our mission is to help caregivers make diagnostic decisions that save lives. To provide caregivers the insight and confidence that help them arrive at the right diagnostic decisions – decisions that in the end help save lives. On a yearly basis millions of lives are touched by the information our solutions provide and that’s a fact, we take very seriously; the more critical the setting, the greater the requirements are and that’s why we’ve made it our vision to improve global healthcare with reliable, fast and easy patient diagnoses. Want to know more about our mission and vision? Click on the link: Link of YouTube video
Our people
At Radiometer, we acknowledge that the information our products provide is often the difference between life and death; an acknowledgement that drives and unites us as a company. From biotech and software specialists to financial controllers and engineers, all 3200 colleagues are committed and dedicated to help realize life’s potential.
If you aspire to be part of a purpose, performance and values driven organization whose mission and vision guide every action, we are eager to hear from you. DescriptionRadiometer Medical has a broad and technologically diverse product portfolio that contributes to the treatment of millions of patients worldwide each year. This job is your opportunity to influence the overall business strategy for Radiometer and set the strategic and operational direction for:
• Our Clinical Research Portfolio
• Our Clinical Study Execution
• Our Clinical Data interpretation
• A small team of Clinical Specialists
Direct clinical projects in a cooperative environment
You join our Clinical and Medical Affairs Team in an exciting period where we are driving the clinical and medical agenda in close collaboration with R&D, Marketing and Regulatory Affairs among others.
The portfolio of clinical projects are many and we look forward to your contribution on which to move forward with and how to plan and conduct our clinical portfolio. The responsibility of executing the clinical studies lies within the Clinical Operations Team, which you cooperate closely with. The leadership team is closely connected with the majority of the team located in the HQ in Brønshøj and one colleague in Turku, Finland.
Key Responsibilities expanded
• Development and implementation of the clinical evidence strategy and execution across the portfolio and provide leadership on clinical decisions related to the strategy
• Work closely with the Clinical and Medical Affairs leadership and provide strategic direction to support timely and on-budget development and execution of the clinical development program
• Ensure clinical representation in core team meetings and activities
• Improve and manage the clinical operational practice across the portfolio
• Provide scientific expertise for the clinical research aspects of all projects and clinical expertise, with strong working knowledge of regulatory affairs and QA
• Accountable for understanding the external agenda
• Accountable for building a network externally to support Radiometer is seen as a trusted partner with high ethical standards and integrity
• Budget responsible
• Assure all clinical deliverables are of correct quality and in accordance with written procedures and policies and current legal requirements and internal standards Travel activity is estimated to be 30 % of your time.
Contribute, grow and develop
Radiometer is a growing organization always developing through LEAN management tools and values. It makes it fun and meaningful to be part of an organization where your thoughts and ideas are embraced by management and can make a true impact. Developing on a personal and professional level is of a high importance for everyone in Radiometer and that is why we have many employees building and developing their careers for many years in Radiometer and Danaher.
How to apply
Start the application process by pressing "Apply Online". Please attach your CV and other relevant documents. We look forward to receiving your application.
For further information, please contact Senior Director, Clinical & Medical Affairs, Susanne Nickelsen at tel. +45 2479 1820.
We expect you to have a Master of Science, PhD or comparable within a relevant scientific field. This combined with the following competencies / skills / experiences improves your impact on the job:
>5 years of experience in the clinical field preferable from the Medical Device / Life Science industry within Clinical Affairs.
>2 years of leadership experience
Excellent knowledge and understanding of Clinical Research, GCP, and current legal requirements and standards within Clinical practice
A solid understanding of the FDA regulations on Good Clinical Practice, Declaration of Helsinki, and International Conference on Harmonization requirementsYou can expect to make use of your strong analytical, strategic and communicative skills as you balance the priorities of many development projects and which clinical studies that contributes most to our business.
Danaher Corporation
OverviewDanaher is a global science & technology innovator committed to helping our customers solve complex challenges and improve quality of life worldwide. Our world class brands are leaders in some of the most demanding and attractive industries, including life sciences, medical diagnostics, dental, environmental and applied solutions. Our globally diverse team of 67,000 associates is united by a common culture and operating system, the Danaher Business System, which serves as our competitive advantage. We generated $18.3B in revenue last year. We are ranked #162 on the Fortune 500 and our stock has outperformed the S&P 500 by more than 1,200% over 20 years.At Danaher, you can build a career in a way no other company can duplicate. Our brands allow us to offer dynamic careers across multiple industries. We’re innovative, fast-paced, results-oriented, and we win. We need talented people to keep winning. Here you’ll learn how DBS is used to shape strategy, focus execution, align our people, and create value for customers and shareholders. Come join our winning team.
Organization: Radiometer
Job Function: SciencePrimary
Location: EMEA-Western Europe-Denmark-Hovedstaden-Brønshøj
Schedule: Full-time
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
source: DK-STAR
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