Arbejde Samsung Sales Assistant (part time) unspecified WorkShop International Sweden AB - jobtilbud
We are the leading retail agency in the Nordic countries. Our focus is to create physical meetings that build both customer experience and profitability. We are approximately two hundred collaborators, have a turnover of a hundred million and the privilege of working with some of the world’s strongest brands
WorkShop is now looking for a student who wants to join the Samsung Enterprise B2B Sales Team in Copenhagen as a Sales Assistant. The Enterprise B2B Sales Team is committed to innovation and delivering the finest enterprise solutions across all of Samsung´s IT Products (Large Format Displays, Desktop Monitors, Virtual Desktop Integration, Solid State Drives, Printers, Tablets, and Smartphones). They are leading within mobility and presenting tailored solutions for unified communications, collaboration, mobile enabled workflows, and much more.
In the role as Sales Assistant you will be working approximately 15 hours per week and you will help the team in their daily work with sales and marketing tasks. You will assist in preparation of new offers and contracts, coordinate, plan and participate in events and fairs, as well as manage the Bid management system and Samsung’s partner portal. Further you will assist in updating the teams forecasting ad help with ad hoc tasks within the enterprise department.
In the role, it is important that you are able to handle several tasks at a time, often with tight deadlines. Samsung is a dynamic company in a fast moving industry, there are many opportunities to grow and develop! In order to enjoy working in this role you must be a person who appreciates high pace, change and you must be able to take own initiatives. You will be working in the centrally based Copenhagen Office and the position is limited to 15 hours a week.
We believe that the right applicant for this position meets the following criteria:
• You have experience with customer contact from a sales position
• You have excellent communication skills in Danish as well as English
• You are familiar with the Microsoft office programs especially excel and Word
• You are able to work independently and efficiently
• You are enrolled in a Bachelor or Master program within sales, marketing, international business or similar and you have at least two years until you graduate.
We are looking forward to you application. Selection and interview process is ongoing; please apply as soon as possible but no later than 17th of June.
Employment rate: 15 hours per week
Start: As soon as possible
Contact person: Jennifer Ingwall, +46722781206
Timer per uge: Part-time Until further notice
Arbejdsgiver Navn: WorkShop International Sweden AB
Arbejdsgiver adresse: Grev Turegatan 19 11438 Stockholm
Form af kontakt:
Jennifer Ingwall titel : HR Coordinator telefon 1: 0722781206() telefon 2: () mobil: e-post: Jennifer.ingwall (at)
Job kort beskrivelse:
Almindeligt kontor- og kundeservicearbejde ikke klassificeret andetsteds
land: Danmark
Kontrakt varighed: Fast
Kontrakttype: Fuldtid
krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet
Erfaringer: Der kræves ingen
Kilde til jobtilbud:
Arbetsförmedlingen, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Sverige
Kørekort: Nej
Hvordan søger: Andet - se fritekst
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