Arbejde Reference material scientific academic DFP New Product Introduction unspecified NOVO NORDISK A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4952095
documentId: 4952095
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1551359539286
Reference material scientific academic DFP New Product Introduction
Are you ready to be our new Reference material scientific person; working with establishment and maintenance of Reference Materials (RM) for insulin and GLP-1 drug substances and drug products, then this is your opportunity. You will be part of a focused and dedicated team delivering RM for all insulin and GLP-1 products.
About the department
You will join Diabetes Finished Products (DFP) New Product Introduction where 46 colleagues are looking forward to welcome you. We consist of 4 teams and we have a central function to Novo Nordisk production of diabetes drug products worldwide. In addition, the department is involved in both new development projects and improvement projects on marketed products. We are 18 colleagues in The NPI Product team, and the Reference Material group consist of three; Senior project manager, Laboratory Technician and our new colleague. Our team are characterized as accommodating, helpful and goal oriented.
The job
You will be working close together with our experienced Senior Project Manager responsible for project management of RM projects and tasks on insulin and GLP-1 across DFP. You will be responsible for coordinating and performing activities for establishment, implementation, stability and maintenance of reference materials for new and existing products in the diabetes portfolio. Furthermore, you will co-operate with the RM Coordinators in Development on RMs being transferred to DFP. You will also participate in the cross functional work regarding harmonisation, standardisation and optimisation of the RM work within Novo Nordisk and be responsible for scientific tasks of other relevant cross functional projects related to RMs.
An important part of your job will be the on-going support to the internal use of RM at Novo Nordisk productions sites, as well as securing the quality and availability of RM for all our customers. You can look forward to an interesting and varied work day, where you have a high degree of influence on the planning in order to reach the goals of the team.
You hold an academic degree in pharmacy, engineering or equivalent and have solid knowledge about pharmaceutical industry, analytical chemistry, regulatory documentation and project management. Statistical skills are an advantage. Preferably you have experience in Novo Nordisk and have obtained a good understanding of our diabetes products and related reference materials, their manufacture, the related analyses and the associated manufacturing organisation.
You should have excellent people, collaboration and communication skills that help create high-performing teams and successfully drive your projects across geographical and organisational borders. You should enjoy taking responsibility, be visible and finalise projects until fully implemented. Furthermore, you work independently for the success of your projects. Working internationally, you must have a great command of English, written as spoken.
For further information, please contact Therese Lindin at +45 3079 4207 or Toke Trolle-Eng at +45 3075 2387.
17 March 2019
Millions rely on us
To work for Novo Nordisk you will need the skills, dedication and ambition to change lives for the better for millions of patients living with diabetes and other chronical diseases. In exchange, we offer the chance to be part of a truly global workplace, where passion and engagement are met with opportunities for professional and personal development.
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: NOVO NORDISK A/S
source: DK-STAR
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