Arbejde BI Specialist for our new Digital Solutions Office unspecified FLSMIDTH & CO. A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDg4Njg1MCA3

reference: 4886850

documentId: 4886850

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1538560476470

BI Specialist for our new Digital Solutions Office


Would you like to build world-class BI solutions that turn fresh data into valuable insights and improve decision-making across the manufacturing industry?

  In FLSmidth, we are on an exciting digital transformation journey to position ourselves as productivity provider #1. That’s why we are building a new Digital Solutions Office in Valby, Denmark, and Chennai, India, where we are hiring for multiple new positions. This is your chance to make your mark on our digitalisation journey and transform the entire industry.

Detailed Description

  Create and manage brand-new BI solutions

 In the newly established Digital Solutions Office, we are building a new digital framework by establishing a cloud infrastructure that can collect data and create insights on FLSmidth’s plants and equipment across the world. This will subsequently enable us to offer valuable new solutions to our customers – such as business insights and asset management solutions.

  As our new BI specialist, you will be responsible for transforming our large amounts of data into relevant business insights for new customer offerings as well as for internal decision-making. This means collaborating with multiple stakeholders to find the best way to process, visualise and present data. Furthermore, you will:

 •             Design, develop, test and deploy BI solutions including reporting systems, dashboards, drill-downs, filters, graphs, metrics and scorecards using web and mobile technologies

 •             Design prototypes and demonstrations of BI and data visualisations, primarily in MS Power BI or Tableau

 •             Develop various reusable components, frameworks and accelerators to reduce the development lifecycle and ensure consistency in data visualisations and reports

 •             Work closely with the architects and development team to ensure that the design of the architecture, interface, and interaction flows across applications

 •             Keep track of the latest BI industry trends using mobile/web technologies

  You can choose to work from Valby, Denmark, or Chennai, India. You get to travel approx. 30 days a year, primarily to meet with team colleagues in Chennai/Valby.

Job Requirements

BI developer with experience in industrial application technology

 •             You have strong experience in developing BI solutions, including developing data-driven views, reports, objects, hierarchies, filters, dashboards, metrics and visualisations in MS Power BI, Tableau or similar technologies for industrial applications.

 •             You have a basic understanding of industrial Azure cloud or similar technologies, microservices, machine learning, DevOps and AI.

 •             You have a relevant technical degree – at bachelor’s level as a minimum.

 •             You are fluent in English in both speech and writing.

  As a person, you have the skills to communicate complex, interactive design concepts clearly to both internal and external stakeholders to ensure that business insights are easily assessed and used.

Additional Details

Our commitment to you
FLSmidth helps build societies all over the world by contributing to the infrastructure needed for global economic growth.

You take off for a career in an international environment in close collaboration with customers, suppliers and colleagues all over the world based on our values: Competence, Co-operation and Responsibility.

Ensuring that safety stays on top of mind is part of FLSmidth’s commitment of being a responsible employer and we focus on developing your talent through ongoing training.

Please apply by clicking “apply” on this page. The application deadline is 15 October 2018. Please state where you saw the ad and have reference no. IRC41335 ready at hand when you contact us.

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: FLSMIDTH & CO. A/S

source: DK-STAR


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