Arbejde Radiologist - Clinical Mammography unspecified Regionshospital Viborg - jobtilbud

id: NDk4MTQxOCA3

reference: 4981418

documentId: 4981418

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1556713819580

stillingsbetegnelse: Radiologist - Clinical Mammography


Radiologist for Viborg Regional Hospital, Denmark


We are now hiring a staff Specialist for the Breast Clinic, Radiology Department at Viborg Regional Hospital, Regional Hospital Central Jutland   

To be qualified for this position, the applicant must be a radiology specialist with either main competences within clinical mammography, MRI imaging of mammo and mammography screening/or interests within diagnostic mammography.

As a staff specialist, we provide training within all aspects relating to diagnostic mammography.

There are no on-call duties attached to the position.

About the position

You must have a mind for close collaboration, as the organisation of the Breast Clinic is structured on the basis of an interdisciplinary radiological element on the one hand, and an interdisciplinary breast surgical element on the other. This concept facilitates the option of very swift and "smooth" care pathways. The clinic employs a mammo coordinator who is in charge of the scheduling of the individual cancer assessment processes.
In addition to the actual diagnostic imaging of clinical mammography and associated intervention as well as breast MRIs, the position will also involve the conduction of MDT conferences.

The mammography unit currently employs 3.5 fulltime mammography radiologists, and this group is expected to be expanded to a total of 5 radiologists in all.

At the Breast Clinic, applicants with research interests will have fine opportunities with access to considerable patient material.

The department commands a Siemens Mammomater with Prime technology and tomosynthesis – can be employed in stereotactic biopsy. The department further employs vacuum biopsy equipment.
Currently, the 1,5T Siemens scanner is applied in approximately 15 weekly MRI mammographies. The screening units in Viborg, Holstebro and Randers have identical Siemens Mammomats.

We carry out all intervention types within conventional mammography diagnostics.

In 2019, the mammography department expects to produce approximately 10,000 examinations/year.

We provide flexible work planning with e.g. long days followed by compensational days off as well as the opportunity of maintaining attachment to ordinary radiological duties, should this be desired. Part-time employment is also a feasibility.

We offer: 

  • Appointment in a dynamic department in constant technological and organisational development with plenty of opportunities for being professionally challenged, as well as development within interest and responsibility areas
  • A highly professional environment with occupational sparring with the department's experienced medical staff as well as collaborative specialist areas
  • Fine opportunities for competence development and supplementary training
  • Short routes of communication within a fine climate of interdisciplinary co-operation between the professions of Radiography and Scan across the departments within the Central Jutland Hospital Unit
  • The department has access to a research-responsible engineer, and Regional Hospital Viborg commands an enthusiastic scientific special library and Journal Club, thus facilitating excellent opportunities for mono as well as interdisciplinary research.

The department operates with a duty roster comprising attendance duty (7-shift roster schedule) and a formalised on-call roster with attendance from home, currently operated on the basis of a 6-shift roster schedule, albeit targeted towards an 8-shift roster. 

The department participates in further medical training at intro and HU levels and in the Aarhus University medical education of medical students. The department moreover participates in the education of radiograph and secretary students as well as the training of diagnostic radiographers and medical sonographers.

About the Radiology Deparment 

The future Emergency Hospital in Viborg, at Regional Hospital Viborg, is an emergency hospital for citizens of the municipalities of Viborg, Silkeborg and Skive – constituting a total of 241,000 citizens. The radiography emergency response unit (24/7) is located at the main departmental unit in Viborg, in which the more particular examinations and treatments are similarly carried out – MRI, CT, ULS, transillumination and appertaining interventions. For critical urological patients, the coverage area has been further expanded, thus also comprising the municipalities of Favrskov and Randers. Breast radiology and, for perioperative radiological procedures, also comprising the coverage area of Hospital Unit West and Hospital Unit Randers, are gathered at the Breast Clinic in Viborg in close collaboration with mammo surgery, pathology and oncology and with Aarhus University Hospital.

Together with elective examinations from Central Jutland Hospital unit and GPs, Cancer and other diagnostic packets are performed in Viborg and in the department's ward in Skive and in close collaboration with the radiological ward of the Silkeborg Diagnostic Centre. 

All physicians within the Radiology Department are centrally employed in Viborg. The department is fully digitalised, and all work is paperless with complete integration between the systems, inclusive of the Central Jutland EPJ (electronic patient records).

In relation to Viborg Regional Hospital's specialties: Traumatology, surgery, urology, orthopaedics, cardiovascular surgery, mammosurgery, paediatrics, neurology, respiratory medicine, cardiology, nephrology, gastroenterology, infection medicine, endocrinology, gynaecology/obstetrics and intensive therapy and practice, the department carried out 175,000 radiology procedures (UX and K codes) in 2018 – distributed among CT, MRI and ULS scans plus interventional procedures.

About Regional Hospital Central Jutland
Regional Hospital Central Jutland is a dynamic hospital unit with a staff of approximately 4,200 and an annual budget of DKK 2.4bn.

Collectively, the four regional hospitals constitute a dynamic hospital unit with a strong professional profile and, owing to the complexity and scope of the specialties, the unit constitute one of the Jutland's most comprehensively specialised hospital units.

Currently, Regional Hospital Viborg is performing a DKK 1.15bn expansion, and the relocation to the new Emergency Hospital will take place in the course of 2019. In this connection, Radiography and Scan will expand considerably.


Read more about Regional Hospital Central Jutland on

Salary and terms of employment will be pursuant to the existing agreement within the area.

Pursuant to the Danish legislation on the provision of a child protection certificate in connection with the employments of staff, etc. (Lov om indhentelse af børneattest i forbindelse med ansættelse af personale m.v.), we will request a child protection certificate in the event of potential employment.

Employment will, for the time being, be at Central Jutland Region with the place of duty being Regional Hospital Viborg, Central Jutland, Radiology Department.

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: Regionshospital Viborg

source: DK-STAR


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