Arbejde Project Manager leading the agile way unspecified NETS Denmark A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4862467
documentId: 4862467
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1533798252183
stillingsbetegnelse: Project Manager leading the agile way
Do you want to be a part of our Card Processing compliance effort and ensure our license to operate?
As a project manager for our compliance team, you will be responsible for ensuring timely delivery of regular card scheme release projects. You will lead a very competent team and make sure our projects are released on time. You will also have to bridge the team’s effort into the agile development world.
Want to be our new colleague and fill in an important role?
The role as project manager is essential to tie together our compliance efforts within Card processing. You will lead a competent team and be the team’s daily leader, without personnel responsibility.
Compliance is both card scheme requirements and legal requirements, where full compliance is always needed on time and with the highest quality. Secure and stable is our main priority and your role will be essential to delivering on this priority.
You will have many contact points in Nets, and should be good at establishing networks. You will be part of driving our card processing system.
At the moment the team is not developing using agile methodologies, and you should be able to help them bridge the gap, by taking charge and facilitating agile meetings, estimations etc.
Your key responsibilities in this role will be:
- Be the front person for compliance development
- Lead a team of both internal and external employees, with coordination of relevant stakeholders
- Ensure timely delivery with the needed quality
- Pave the way for the team.
We are looking for talents with ambitions – and passion for what they are doing!
We believe that your background and professional acumen forms most of your qualifications to succeed in this role. It is also important to us that you are passionate of what you are doing in your daily work and that you take the responsibility of driving things forward to develop both business and your-self.
Your professional qualifications and background should include:
- Project management or team lead experience
- Experience with scrum, preferably as certified scrum master
- Experience with Prince2 is an advantage.
Of your personal qualifications we would value:
- Self-driven and proactive
- Positive mindset, able to see solutions when others find it difficult
- Ability to multitask
- Ambitious.
Your career driven by curiosity and customer insights
At Nets, we are working towards realising a one-company approach to development, innovation and doing business, where you’ll be encouraged to think across borders and business areas to find new ways of merging our products, new technologies and market trends into innovative new solutions.
We want to attract, develop and engage the best talents and you will be working with colleagues across the Nordics. Whether it is innovation or operation that makes you tick, our company structure allows you to build your own career and grow in a business that encompasses all aspects of the digital payment value chain. We work in a thriving environment characterized by team play and informality and with plenty of social activities within sports, culture and social network.
Please send your application right now and at the latest at 27. Aug. 2018.
If you are interested in hearing more about this opportunity please contact Manager for Authorisation and Clearing, Nicklas Holland, +4529487688
numberOfPosts: 1
Send ansøgning på en af de angivne kommunikationskanaler
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: NETS Denmark A/S
source: DK-STAR
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