Arbejde Product & Application Specialist unspecified GRUNDFOS HOLDING A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDk0NzQ1MiA3

reference: 4947452

documentId: 4947452

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1550498289866

stillingsbetegnelse: Product & Application Specialist


Do you want to use your vast technical insights to develop and install sustainable water solutions in areas such as Africa? 

As Product Application Specialist, you get to make a huge difference to our customers as you support the Grundfos journey to become a provider of integrated systems and solutions addressing the world's water and energy challenges. So grab this chance to impact a very important area in Grundfos. 

Welcome to Emerging Water Technologies

At our HQ in Bjerringbro, you will be joining Grundfos Emerging Water Technologies (EWT), which drives selected businesses and water technology projects. Here you become part of a global team of 5 who work with Grundfos Life Link (GLL) sustainable water solutions, which are designed to support long-term sustainable water supply operations even in challenged areas. You will also be working closely with 5 colleagues in the Service department in India.

 We have a wide customer mass, ranging from NGOs to commercial entities, and as Product Application Specialist you will be working closely with the customer,” explains Product Manager Tommy Enevoldsen, whom you will be referring to. 

Help shape our sustainable product profile

As Product Application Specialist, you are in charge of our product content and help develop unique customer solutions. Doing so, you combine your technical product insight with customer requirements, translating this into product road maps in close cooperation with the Product Manager. Developing the product portfolio and participating in development projects, it will be up to you to make sure that product road map requirements are met. Moreover, you provide input for market and competitor analysis, and you:

  • Develop new features and functionalities in order to improve efficiency and quality of existing products
  • Participate in customer meetings ensuring that customer requirements are understood and aligned with products and applications
  • Support CSU (Customer Service Unit), providing technical as well as product specific input and assist customers in terms of training and installation
  • Develop technical documentation for the products in cooperation with Technical Marketing
  • Support the ongoing transition for our products towards digital platform alignment

Product Specialist with customer focus 

To succeed in this position, it is essential that you:

  • Have a technical bachelor or master’s degree and specialist knowledge in disciplines such as electronics, water treatment, mechanical engineering and project management
  • Have some years of experience within system, product and application development
  • Are willing to travel to meet the customers approx. 25 days a year
  • Have good communication and presentation skills specifically in English.  

Furthermore, it is desirable that you:

  • Like to meet the customers and understand and deliver their needs
  • Have a natural interest in technology and like to see products come to life

Finding the right personality is key to us. So, you need to be focused on details but have also a holistic approach. It is essential that you understand the way from requirement to product, and that you have the technical capabilities to understand the products. But being willing to learn about our products, the company and its purpose will get you far,” Tommy concludes.   

Additional information

If you have questions or want to know more about the position, please contact Product Manager Tommy Enevoldsen on +45 5319 5060.

If this job sounds appealing to you, please send your resume and cover letter today and no later than March 14, 2019 by clicking on “Apply”. 

We look forward to hearing from you.

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: GRUNDFOS HOLDING A/S

source: DK-STAR


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