Arbejde Value Realization Manager unspecified MAERSK LINE A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDk0NjcwMCA3

reference: 4946700

documentId: 4946700

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1550233089026

stillingsbetegnelse: Value Realization Manager


Maersk Line is constantly aiming to optimise the customer experience and realise significant business benefits by simplifying and standardising our processes. We are embarking on a journey that will substantially change the way we conduct our business and engage with customers. We are offering a unique opportunity to help shape that journey and the future organisation.

We offer

Maersk T&L is on a transformation journey to meet the needs from our customers and provide best-in-class customer experience. This journey is initiated to simplify, automate and digitise most of our processes and will substantially change the way we conduct our business and engage with customers. You will be a part of the Value Realization team within the Tech Finance department, together with highly skilled colleagues, helping to drive value realization across strategic initiatives and business units. With this opportunity, you get an outstanding chance to interact with senior stakeholders in the organization and assist Product Owners in delivering value to the business.

Key responsibilities

• Identify and prioritise relevant tracking metrics and appropriate data sources

• Ensure that projects have tangible success criteria in place prior to go-live

• Liaise with Business Process Owners & product owners to ensure that metrics are relevant, timely and measurable

• In case of project changes, provide input to the overall recalculation of value and ensure continuous updates to the related tracking mechanisms

• Quality Assure existing projects to ensure that they meet the standards regarding success criteria, outcomes and benefits

• Support colleagues in Tech Finance and work with project teams/Product owners to articulate the product value in accordance with established standards

• Support the continuous improvement of the standard framework and implement new solutions for tracking, monitoring and harvesting the benefits

We are looking for

• Relevant education and 4-5 years of full time working experience within front office Customer Service, Trade & Marketing, Sales, Finance or Operations

• Analytical mind-set

• Strong interpersonal and communication skills

• Good planning and execution skills, ensuring effective and timely delivery

• Adaptable with ability to keep calm under stress and deliver quality on time

• Proactive and capable of working in a result-oriented environment

• Comfortable interacting with senior stakeholders

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: MAERSK LINE A/S

source: DK-STAR


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