Arbejde PhD scholarship in Numerical Modelling of Ultrafast Nonlinear Effects in Gas-Filled Hollow-Core Fibers unspecified Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - jobtilbud
reference: 4941620
documentId: 4941620
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1549452487656
PhD scholarship in Numerical Modelling of Ultrafast Nonlinear Effects in Gas-Filled Hollow-Core Fibers
The Fiber Sensors & Supercontinuum Group at DTU Fotonik, Department of Photonics Engineering at the Technical University of Denmark is seeking a highly motivated and talented PhD candidate in the field of ultrafast nonlinear optics using gas-filled hollow-core antiresonant fibers.
This Ph.D. project is enabstractJV_titled 'Numerical modelling of ultrafast nonlinear effects in gas-filled hollow-core fibers' and it is part of the project 'UVSUPER: Ultra-Violet supercontinuum sources and pulsed lasers for the semiconductor industry' funded by Innovation Fund of Denmark. The main goal of the current project is the demonstration of a stand-alone deep ultraviolet supecontinuum source covering the 200 nm - 1600 nm region using gas-filled hollow-core antiresonant fibers. The project is in collaboration with Denmark's National Metrology Institute (DFM) and NKT Photonics A/S.
Responsibilities and tasks
The PhD fellow will be part of the project UVSUPER and his/her responsibility will be to numerically support the research activities of the project towards the development of a stand-alone deep ultraviolet supercontinuum source. In particular he/she should be responsible to:
- Accurately model the guiding properties of a hollow-core fiber using the finite element method.
- Develop a unidirectional, full-field, spatio-temporal code for propagation simulations.
- The developed code should also include a full polarization model, intermodal coupling, dispersion, Kerr effect and self-focusing as well as ionization and plasma dynamics.
Candidates should have a two-year master's degree (120 ECTS points) or a similar degree with an academic level equivalent to a two-year master's degree.
In particular, candidates are required to have:
- a Master's degree or a very good first degree in Physics, Engineering or Material Science
- track record within the areas of fiber modeling using COMSOL and Matlab
- Basic knowledge of fibre optics and waveguides, nonlinear optics and laser physics.
At the time of recruitment by the host organization, candidates must be in the first four years (full-time equivalent research experience) of their research careers, and have not been awarded a doctoral degree.
Approval and Enrolment
The scholarship for the PhD degree is subject to academic approval, and the candidate will be enrolled in one of the general degree programmes at DTU. For information about our enrolment requirements and the general planning of the PhD study programme, please see the DTU PhD Guide.
The assessment of the applicants will be made by Associate Professor Christos Markos and Professor Ole Bang.
We offer
DTU is a leading technical university globally recognized for the excellence of its research, education, innovation and scientific advice. We offer a rewarding and challenging job in an international environment. We strive for academic excellence in an environment characterized by collegial respect and academic freedom tempered by responsibility.
Salary and appointment terms
The appointment will be based on the collective agreement with the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations. The allowance will be agreed upon with the relevant union. The period of employment is 3 years. Starting date is 1 April 2019 or as soon as possible hereafter.
The workplace DTU Fotonik, Ørsteds Plads, Building 343 Lyngby Campus.
You can read more about career paths at DTU here.
Further information
Further information may be obtained from Main supervisor, Professor Ole Bang, phone: +45 45 25 63 73, email: oban (at) or Co-supervisor, Associate Professor Christos Markos, phone: +45 45 25 63 87, email: chmar (at)
You can read more about DTU Fotonik at
Please submit your online application no later than 1 March 2019 (local time). To apply, please open the link "Apply online", fill out the online application form. The following must be attached in English:
- A letter motivating the application (cover letter)
- Curriculum vitae
- Grade transcripts and BSc/MSc diploma
- Excel sheet with translation of grades to the Danish grading system (see guidelines and Excel spreadsheet here)
Candidates may apply prior to obtaining their master's degree but cannot begin before having received it.
Applications and enclosures received after the deadline will not be considered.
All interested candidates irrespective of age, gender, race, disability, religion or ethnic background are encouraged to apply.
DTU Fotonik has 220 employees with competences in optics and is one of the largest centers in the world based solely on research in photonics. Research is performed within optical sensors, lasers, LEDs, photovoltaics, ultra-high speed optical transmission systems, bio-photonics, nano-optics and quantum photonics.
DTU is a technical university providing internationally leading research, education, innovation and scientific advice. Our staff of 6,000 advance science and technology to create innovative solutions that meet the demands of society, and our 11,200 students are being educated to address the technological challenges of the future. DTU is an independent academic university collaborating globally with business, industry, government and public agencies.
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
source: DK-STAR
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