Arbejde Mobile Application Developer unspecified KAMSTRUP A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4978635
documentId: 4978635
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1556195422326
stillingsbetegnelse: Mobile Application Developer
Are you passionate about mobile application development? Would you like to work with user experience and make mobile applications that makes a difference for the user? Do you want to work with the full design lifecycle from idea to production in an international company in rapid growth?
Become part of our new Mobile Application Development team in Kamstrup
We are experiencing rapid growth and are investing massively in development and production of intelligent metering equipment and systems for wireless reading of consumption meters for electricity, water and heating. Due to the growing demand for our innovative and intelligent solutions, we are looking for a Mobile Application Developer, that can contribute to the development of our future systems.
As our new Mobile Application Developer, you will be part of a new team that will be established to create a new common mobile application platform for Kamstrup advanced metering systems. The new team will have a strong focus on collaboration, knowledge sharing and value creation, to achieve the best possible results. High professionalism and the ability to create and transform a vision for Kamstrup future mobile applications into reality are key parameters for success. The team will be a cross-site setup with team members in Kamstrups headquarter in Stilling and our office in Malaga.
A job with focus on technical excellence and user-driven innovation
As our new Mobile Application Developer, you get a key role in developing Kamstrup’s mobile application strategy, which will support our users in efficiently operate in field during installation, maintenance and troubleshooting.
You will work with the full design lifecycle from idea to production, assess and apply new technologies and tools to implement a future proof mobile application platform, and create the new applications in close collaboration with UX and Product Management.
In the job, you will work with different technologies and tools such as:
• Xamarin
• Android
• Bluetooth
It will be an advantage if you are familiar with more technologies and tools for mobile application development, so you can help us to choose the right tools going forward.
You must expect approximately 10 travel days a year, as a part of collaboration within the team.
Personality matters
We are looking for an ambitious and competent Mobile Application Developer with drive and a pioneering attitude. It is a requirement that you:
• Have a professional background in engineering, computer science or similar
• Have minimum 2-3 years of experience as Mobile Application Developer
• Are passionate about working with mobile application development
• Are able to work and collaborate in multi-national setup
• Are self-driven and it is natural for you to contribute with different suggestions for improvements and to be able to implement these in cooperation with others
As a person, you have a natural authority by virtue of your skills and experience, but you also know that good solutions are created in daily cooperation with your colleagues. You place high demands on yourself and others, and therefore do not compromise on the quality of your work.
It is a requirement that you master English on a high level – both orally and written.
We offer more than just a job
You become part of an international company that strives every day to ensure the momentum and optimization of the world's water and energy resources. As an employee, you get a lot of responsibility and freedom to act. In addition, we offer a learning environment where sparring and competence development are a natural part of everyday life.
We offer flexible working hours and numerous employee benefits, counting a healthy canteen, free fruit, fitness facilities, in-house dental clinic, hairdresser and a free health clinic. Moreover, we have an active employee association.
Do you want to be a part of Kamstrup?
Please submit your application by online. Applications are reviewed on a continuous basis, but you can expect a response within six weeks.
If you have any questions about the position, please contact Head of SW Development, Erik B. Pedersen on phone: +45 89 93 10 00.
About Kamstrup
Kamstrup develops and manufactures innovative solutions for measuring energy and water consumption. Kamstrup is the world's leading manufacturer of advanced and innovative equipment for the district heating sector and is one of the leading European suppliers of smart meters and other equipment for the electricity sector.
Kamstrup has over 1400 employees in more than 20 countries with headquarters in Denmark. Kamstrup has a healthy economy, high growth rates and a strong focus on development of technology and staff.
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: KAMSTRUP A/S
source: DK-STAR
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