Arbejde Associate Professor in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering – Applied Thermodynamics, Properties Prediction and Simulation Tools unspecified Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - jobtilbud
reference: 4877595
documentId: 4877595
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1536739383746
Associate Professor in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering – Applied Thermodynamics, Properties Prediction and Simulation Tools
The Technical University of Denmark solicits applications for the above position, created to support the further development of DTU Chemical Engineering.
The research background of a successful applicant should be within core disciplines of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering applied in Chemical, Biochemical, Food, Pharmaceutical or Energy related industries. Candidates are expected to be ambitious and work in the front line within applied thermodynamics, properties predictions and simulations with a strong focus on innovation, i.e. making useful and applied research and with the ability to work with both academic and industrial partners. The suitable candidate is expected to develop cooperation with relevant industrial companies – and close collaboration with research groups of the Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering.
Responsibilities and tasks
The research is expected to be closely related to present activities in applied thermodynamics at the department and close cooperation with colleagues both at the department and in other departments of DTU is expected.
The teaching will cover experimental and theoretical Bachelor-, Master- and PhD-level courses in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering as well as in-service training courses for industry. Bachelor courses are primarily taught in Danish, other courses in English. Most courses are taught in Denmark but the department is also responsible for a full Master’s program in Beijing, China, in the framework of Sino-Danish Center for Research and Education.
For international candidates, DTU offers Danish language courses for the purpose of being able to teach in Danish.
Candidates must
- hold a PhD degree (or equivalent), as well as academic qualifications equivalent to those obtained by holding an assistant professorship
- document didactic/pedagogic training
We expect you have experience with university research in close interaction with industry, that you have a good track record regarding attraction of external funding and you enjoy teamwork. As teaching and interaction with both undergraduate and graduate students is of vital importance in the job, we expect you to be an experienced teacher and supervisor enjoying the interaction with students.
In the assessment of the candidates, consideration will be given to:
- Experience and quality of teaching
- Research impact and experience, funding track record, and research vision
- Societal impact
- Documented innovation activities, including commercialization and collaboration with industry
- International impact and experience
- Leadership potential and collaboration
- Communication skills
We offer
DTU is a leading technical university globally recognized for the excellence of its research, education, innovation and scientific advice. We offer a rewarding and challenging job in an international environment. We strive for academic excellence in an environment characterized by collegial respect and academic freedom tempered by responsibility.
Salary and terms of employment
The appointment will be based on the collective agreement with the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations. The allowance will be agreed upon with the relevant union.
You can read more about career paths at DTU here.
Further information
Further information may be obtained from Head of Department, Professor Kim Dam-Johansen, tel.: +45 4525 2845.
You can read more about DTU Chemical Engineering at ;
Application procedure
Please submit your online application no later than 10 October 2018 (local time). Applications must be submitted as one PDF file containing all materials to be given consideration. To apply, please open the link "Apply online", fill out the online application form, and attach all your materials in English in one PDF file. The file must include:
- Application (cover letter)
- CV
- Teaching and research statement, with a focus on the “Assessment” bullet points listed above
- Documentation of previous teaching and research, as related to the “Assessment” bullet points listed above
- List of publications
- H-index, and ORCID (see e.g.
- Diploma (MSc/PhD)
Applications and enclosures received after the deadline will not be considered.
All qualified candidates irrespective of age, gender, race, disability, religion or ethnic background are encouraged to apply.
DTU Chemical Engineering is a leading international department being responsible for research, education and innovation within: Chemical and Biochemical process engineering and production, Design of Chemical and Biochemical products and processes, Energy and Environment.
DTU is a technical university providing internationally leading research, education, innovation and scientific advice. Our staff of 6,000 advance science and technology to create innovative solutions that meet the demands of society, and our 11,200 students are being educated to address the technological challenges of the future. DTU is an independent academic university collaborating globally with business, industry, government and public agencies.
numberOfPosts: 1
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positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
source: DK-STAR
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