Arbejde Lead Engineer unspecified DANFOSS A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDg5MzkyOCA3

reference: 4893928

documentId: 4893928

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1539925084200

stillingsbetegnelse: Lead Engineer


Job Description

Are you passionate about advanced refrigeration system concepts to implement leading edge control strategies? Do you have strong expertise on thermodynamics and refrigeration systems? Are you persistent in driving innovation and working with latest simulation technologies and research? Then you might be our new Lead Engineer.

We offer a position where you get the opportunity to work within an expert team in developing best in class refrigeration and control solutions. As Refrigeration Control Specialist you will be part of a highly engaged cross-functional team working with one of the most advanced product in the refrigeration industry. You will have a close cooperation with the software development team and product management. This position is located In Nordborg

Your primary role is application and control software design, to provide product solutions for specific business needs. The role requires you to execute the entire process of building applications, from the design process, to creating, testing and rolling out the application

Key Responsibilities
The future Lead Engineer will be working in the System Engineering department where the primary task is to maintain and develop new control and monitoring applications for the refrigeration controller product portfolio.
Your tasks will be to specify, design and verify new control and monitoring algorithms for the product portfolio in general but with a focus on injection and cabinet control.

The main duties of an Lead Engineer will include;

  • Understand customers technical problems and translate in to technical specification.
  • Design robust and verifiable control and monitoring applications.
  • Implementation of the core control/monitoring algorithms.
  • Verify robustness and design though simulation and field-tests.
  • Ensure documentation of specification, design, test etc.
  • Designing a product solution in line with customer specifications given by product managers.
  • Implementing software and bringing it into the field.
  • Offering support services for users.
  • Coaching users within the business and participate in technical meetings with customers.

The role requires that you have a professional and proactive work ethic and work well within a team. You should have experience with problem-solving and trouble-shooting and be able to organize your own workload.

 We are looking for

  • A strong engineering background within control/refrigeration 
  • 1-5 years of work experience (work experience with control and/or refrigeration)
  • MSc. Degree in thermodynamic/control engineering
  • Preferably experience in working with Model Based Control Development (Matlab/Simulink)
  • Preferably experience in C/C++ programming
  • Fluently in English (verbal and in writing)
  • You must be self-driving and capable of working independent
  • Capable of finalizing tasks & projects to agreed time
  • Able to concentrate and focus on technical details                                                                                            

For further information about the position, please contact Lars Finn Sloth Larsen, Senior Manager System Engineering, tel. +45 2367 6520.

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: DANFOSS A/S

source: DK-STAR


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