Arbejde IT Architect to Nordea\'s Integration Competency Centre Hovedstaden NORDEA BANK DANMARK A/S - jobtilbud
IT Architect to Nordea's Integration Competency Centre
How do you feel about being part of something brand new and exciting in the Nordea landscape? You will be responsible for securing that the Data oriented Patterns full life cycle is in place incl. support and is operationally functioning. You will support the different application areas with instructions but also be setting the strategic direction for usage of IT Integration Patterns with focus on the Data Oriented Pattern. The position we offer Nordea has in recent years built information architecture, containing a conceptual model covering most of the bank plus more detailed logical models covering key areas. The Integration Competency Centre is part of Nordea's IT Strategy, Architecture and Methodology unit, the goal of which is to establish and maintain the strategic direction of methodologies, standards, best practices and governance for IT Lifecycle Management. This includes establishing and maintaining - in close cooperation with other Divisions - the overall IT architecture for Nordea. The Integration Competency Centre is part of implementing and governing the strategic architectural direction for IT integration in Nordea. Currently our key activity is to establishing the Integration pat-terns needed to support inter Domains (application areas) integration by securing implementation of processes, roles, standards, technologies and ways of working across the IT application landscape. You will be offered a challenging position with good opportunities for both personal and professional growth together with top professional colleagues. The qualifications you need We are looking for an IT specialist with high skills and experience in the area of Data oriented transfers, e.g. IBM InfoSphere DataStage. You have extensive knowledge about operational aspects, maintainability, reliability, performance, availability and surveillance for this pattern; in short you are an Expert in Data transfer technologies. Your educational background is a relevant Bachelors/Master's degree or the equivalent experience. You have a broad IT knowledge and experience in general and good business understanding and knowledge – preferably from Financial Services. You are strong in strategic and practical thinking with focus on results. You are experienced in cooperation and communication at different levels, and you speak and write English fluently. You are able to drive your pattern deliveries end 2 end with a pragmatic but customer centric view. You like working with technologies but also with the implementation of the processes that support the technologies in the organisation. More information and send application We are located in Denmark, Finland and Sweden. For further information, please contact Head of Integration Competency Centre, Bjarne Thejl, bjarne.thejl (at) or +45 22706990 Please send your application no later than 3 August 2015.
Arbejdsgiver Navn: NORDEA BANK DANMARK A/S
Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 70333333
Arbejdsgiver faxnummer: 33700466
Job kort beskrivelse: Systemanalytikerarbejde
land: Danmark
region: Hovedstaden
Kontrakt varighed: Fast
Kontrakttype: Fuldtid
krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet
Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark
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