Arbejde Invoicing and Accounting Assistant unspecified SKYWAYS TECHNICS A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDg5ODY2NiA3

reference: 4898666

documentId: 4898666

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1540989065173

stillingsbetegnelse: Invoicing and Accounting Assistant


Would you like to gain controlling and accounting experience in a fast paced international industry?  Maybe you are our temporary Invoicing and Accounting Assistant.

Skyways Technics A/S is looking  for an Invoicing and Accounting Assistant to take up the position for the next year (parental leave cover).

Your main responsibility will be to assist our Operational Controller to ensure correct and timely invoicing and controlling.

Furthermore, you can look forward to the following tasks and responsibilities:

  • Invoicing and controlling of ad hoc work.
  • Invoicing of monthly storage as well as Line Maintenance and Base Maintenance.
  • Booking customer invoices.
  • Follow up on customer statements.
  • Working with colleagues across the organization.
  • Control of time usage in the production
  • Actively participate in continuous improvement of activities.

 We expect you to :

  • Have a Short/medium length post-secondary education ie. AP in Financial Management
  • Relevant experience from previous jobs.
  • Good knowledge of Microsoft Office packages and general understanding of IT systems
  • Good communication skills
  • Speak, read and write both Danish and English fluently

As a person, you have a keen eye for details and you are motivated by tangible results. Your positive attitude makes you thrive in a dynamic work environment and you are comfortable meeting deadlines.

Your options

When you join Skyways Technics A/S, you sign up for a career in an international environment in close collaboration with customers, suppliers and colleagues all over the world. Major changes and fast expansion within the organization provides great opportunities for both personal and professional development. You will be working within a young company where competence, co-operation, respect and responsibility are key values. As our business is founded on the ability to think outside the box, you will be expected to challenge the existing and find new innovative solutions.

The Invoicing and Accounting Assistant is based at Skyways Technics A/S’ HQ in Sonderborg Denmark.

Start 15 December 2018 or later.

Applications are reviewed continually until a suitable candidate has been found.

If you require further information, please contact Operational Controller Helle Møller at:  +45 2280 9410 or email: hmr (at)

If you are committed to delivering business growth and would like the opportunity to develop within a progressive company, then please send your CV and application to:

HR (at)

About us:

Skyways Technics A/S is a European EASA and FAA part 145 approved MRO focused on the maintenance of regional aircraft from its hangar facilities in Billund and Sonderborg, Denmark. Furthermore, Skyways Technics A/S is focused on spare parts support to aircraft operators and owners around the world. The headquarter is located in Sonderborg, Denmark, where Sales, Purchasing, and administrative functions are centralized. In addition, we have a subsidiary located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia a sales office located in Dubai and a newly opened sales office in Florida. We employ approximately 100 energetic and committed employees.
Please find more information on:



numberOfPosts: 1


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positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: SKYWAYS TECHNICS A/S

source: DK-STAR


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