Arbejde Internal Financial Control Manager unspecified CARLSBERG BREWERIES A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDk1MjYwOSA3

reference: 4952609

documentId: 4952609

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1551439336243

stillingsbetegnelse: Internal Financial Control Manager


Internal Financial Controls Manager for Carlsberg Group

Probably the best Internal Financial Controls Team is looking for a new colleague with a passion for financial processes, risk and financial controls to help drive a strong financial control environment ensuring sufficient financial reporting. If terms like “drive for change”, “passion” (also for beers & beverages) and “systematic”, then Carlsberg is looking for you! 

In the Global Finance organization, we attract, develop and retain engaged professionals through challenging assignments in a global organization. We strive to create a strong, effective and efficient internal control environment with full transparency and high quality. We drive the business together with our stakeholders and will create value by having the best procedures.


The job and your responsibilities

In this role, you will report to the Director Internal Financial Controls, and you will be part of a team driving the continuous improvement of our financial control environment and in cooperation with other local internal control teams drive effectiveness and efficiency in our processes and controls. Specifically, your key responsibilities will be:


  • Continuously improve and develop the control framework over financial reporting
  • Be part of improving and secure a high quality Self-assessment of internal controls
  • Evaluate design and operational effectiveness of financial controls by visiting entities across the Group (centrally and onsite)
  • Be responsible for development and improvement of policies, manual and guidelines
  • Cooperate with Carlsberg Shared Services, our captive and outsourced services, ensuring sufficient and efficient controls in those parts of the business
  • Participate in the cooperation with Global Business Services, our central IT provider as well as the Global Finance Process Owner
  • Support the team’s top priorities such as eliminating segregation of duties violations, automation of controls, and implementing Data Analytics to reduce the cost of controlling
  • Be responsible for continuously standardizing the internal financial controls across functional areas
  • Analyzing of development in the controls performed and reporting thereof to management and Audit Committee
  • Training and support continuously capability building across the Group
  • Sparring with subsidiaries and other headquarter functions on the development of processes and controls
  • Participation in Group projects to ensure focus on development of the control environment
  • Participating in the cooperation with the Group auditors regarding planning of the evaluation visits, and follow up on audit comments
  • Manage a wide range of senior stakeholders globally


Your qualifications

To succeed in this role, the ideal candidate is/has the following characteristics:

  • Solid experience with a strong internal financial control environment, with a minimum of 3-4 years with an international organization
  • A degree in Business administration or Finance
  • Action oriented and proactive with a drive to execution
  • Excellent organizational, administrative and communication skills (proficient in English)
  • Able to work under pressure and sometimes with tight deadlines, whilst maintaining a positive attitude and without losing eye for details
  • Motivated, committed professional with a positive attitude, a good sense of humor and flexible


Travel expected to be yearly 60-80 days


Working at Carlsberg

You become part of a company with a unique history and a strong culture - and a company in development focusing on ambitious goals. The tone is informal, and we greatly appreciate having both challenging and fun working days. We make demands on you and your efforts - and at the same time we offer good career opportunities, both nationally and internationally at Carlsberg.



Then send your application including CV online. If you have questions about the position, you are welcome to contact the hiring manager, Director Internal Financial Controls, Jens Wellendorf Pedersen on Jens.WellendorfPedersen (at) The application deadline is March 10, 2019. We will invite for interviews on an ongoing basis.

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime


source: DK-STAR


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