Arbejde Innovation Manager for R&D Packaging Material, Maternity Cover Syddanmark LEGO SYSTEM A/S - jobtilbud
Innovation Manager for R&D Packaging Material, Maternity Cover
Are you highly analytical and a strong communicator? Can you ensure that specialist knowledge is used to impact strategic decisions? Then join us in a position with a broad network across the LEGO Group where you play an important role in the development and direction of our department. Bridge innovation, current platforms and internal stakeholders As Innovation Manager, you join the R&D Packaging Material department with 8 specialists who maintain, develop and optimise the existing packaging construction portfolio and packaging materials. You will support and collaborate with the materials specialists, securing that the right detail level of specialist knowledge is communicated into a broader context for decision-making. In particular, you: Present recommendations to decision making forums based on risks and consequences Facilitate workshops and support the specialists in using generic innovation tools to create a solid foundation for a strong material strategy Manage and share knowledge with all packaging stakeholders Secure that concepts are introduced in the right process flow with the right information level and at the relevant time Drive new initiatives to guarantee continuous development of both packaging materials and construction platforms Make your colleagues shine During this one year maternity cover starting 1 December, you will get a broad network of contacts internally and across our global sites. You help your colleagues shine through your strong communicative and strategic abilities. You will join a team which is proactive and innovative in terms of the materials and constructions of the future in order to secure a sustainable, high quality material and packaging portfolio. Here, you will get a feel for how we as a company inspire our people to invent, create and transform. Extrovert with solid analytical skills The key to success in this position is your ability to listen to what the specialists are saying, picking up on what is important and communicating it. You will be challenged on understanding what others need to make informed decisions, finding the information and communicating it clearly and concisely. In order to facilitate this, you: Have exceptional analytical skills and the ability to understand processes, tools and innovation frameworks Hold a degree in Engineering or another relevant education, enabling you to understand the technical aspects of the specialist role Use your holistic and strategic approach to bridge specialists with non-specialists Have strong social and stakeholder management skills and are comfortable communicating to many different organisational levels Can facilitate workshops, processes and innovation tools Join the global LEGO Family In the LEGO Group, we succeed together, and you will be part of a global family where you will collaborate across the LEGO Community. We look very much forward to reading your application and please remember to attach your application and a current CV. Apply: We do not have application deadlines on any of our positions. We take candidates into the recruitment process continuously and close the position down once we have found the right candidate.
Arbejdsgiver Navn: LEGO SYSTEM A/S
Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 79506070
Job kort beskrivelse:
Andet ingeniørarbejde (undtagen elektroteknologi)
land: Danmark
region: Syddanmark
Kontrakt varighed: Fast
Kontrakttype: Fuldtid
krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet
Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark
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