Arbejde High Speed Digital Designer unspecified TRACKMAN A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4884053
documentId: 4884053
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1538046066036
stillingsbetegnelse: High Speed Digital Designer
Do you want to become the newest member of our important hardware & embedded software development team?
At TrackMan, you will play a significant role in the development of our world-leading golf and baseball proprietary radar sensor technology. You will have the opportunity to do your own research and development work, and see the direct impact of it. If you are up for this exciting challenge where personal growth is a priority, we would like to hear from you.
The Embedded Team is responsible for the radar product development from start to end, from concept to production ramp-up, to support. As a RF Designer, you will work with other high skilled specialists within RF, PSU, Digital and Analog design as well as Embedded Software Programming and Mechanical Apparatus Construction. Together, we strive to remain the best in the world at what we do.
Based on your experience and competencies, your responsibilities within RF design include:
- CPU: Modules / IC’s
- Microprocessors
- Memory: Flash and RAM
- Interfaces: Ethernet, Wi-Fi, USB etc
- Sensors: Inclinometers, Hall sensors, temperature sensors etc.
- GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System)
- Motor control
- Other related tasks within the scope of the project(s) at hand.
What are we looking for?
- Bachelor or master’s Degree in electrical engineering
- Solid theoretically background in high speed digital analysis and design
- Solid experience with simulation, schematic, PCB layout, prototyping and verification of the prototypes and product
- Hands-on experience of measurement equipment and measurement methods
- Hands-on experience of building lab test setup incl. programming of the setup
- Good understanding for apparatus construction and product manufacturing
- Good understanding for power supply, sensors and motor control
- Good understanding for EMC design
- Newly educated, as well as candidates with 5-10 years of experience
Working in a fast-paced, team-based environment also demands a certain degree of self-planning, as well as the ability to work independently. Your colleagues are highly skilled, innovative, pro-active and motivated in their work approach. They possess strong analytical skills, tend to be good communicators in Danish or English, and take pride in their job and deliverables. We expect you to be of a similar caliber.
Join the home of a powerful sports brand and a one-of-a-kind technology
Our proprietary technology is based on expert knowledge about radar, computer vision, data and software engineering. Our solutions are developed by specialists who endlessly explore and challenge new technical boundaries. TrackMan’s blend of cutting-edge technology, sports and continued growth make our company an outstanding place to work. Our work culture is entrepreneurial, ambitious and rewarding as you get to collaborate with inspiring colleagues and interact with the leaders of golf, baseball and football. Based on a unique brand reputation, we are proud of working in close partnership with the top athletes, organizations and teams that rely on our technology to stay ahead of the race.
We are a Danish company founded, owned and managed since 2003 by three entrepreneurs with a strong passion for sports. Today, we have a global footprint with our headquarter located in Denmark (Vedbaek) and offices in New York, Phoenix, Poland and Tokyo. We are more than two hundred and fifty people worldwide, half of which work in Denmark where most hardware and software products are developed, tested and manufactured.
Where innovation happens
At TrackMan, we know that great people make great products. We believe that teams thrive and innovation sparks in an atmosphere where people are encouraged to think for themselves, where everybody’s voices are heard, and where the best ideas prevail in the pursuit of the exceptional solution. This mix is what makes TrackMan an inspiring company – for our customers and our colleagues.
Share our Passion!
For additional information about the position, please contact Head of Department René Bødtker at +45 4574 4752. Applications are continuously assessed, so please send your application as soon as possible. If you got what is takes, apply today and join a company with great technologies, passionate colleagues, and great opportunities to grow.
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: TRACKMAN A/S
source: DK-STAR
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