Arbejde Application Consultant with LabView/TestStand development expereince unspecified GRUNDFOS HOLDING A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDg4Mzc3OCA3

reference: 4883778

documentId: 4883778

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1538043971956

Application Consultant with LabView/TestStand development expereince


Application Consultant with LabVIEW/TestStand development experience

Would you like to influence our future production IT quality systems on a global scale? And deliver the right solutions to our production companies worldwide?

Join Production IT

Production IT consists of 30+ colleagues in 4 regional competence centres around the globe. Production IT is a part of Grundfos Information Services (IS) organization with overall responsibility for all IT in the Group. You will be part of the Quality Team in Production IT Systems department, based in Bjerringbro Denmark. Production IT deliver consultancy and solutions in cooperation with other Grundfos departments within MES (Manufacturing Execution Systems), marking systems, product test systems, vision and quality data acquisition systems. Furthermore, we participate in development projects that include constructing new production lines for our factories globally.

Are you capable of developing and maintain our platform, so we can deliver world class test and vision applications?
As Application Consultant, your main task is to specify, develop and deliver systems including software and hardware, and give 2nd level support for all our productions sites globally. Applications include pump test solutions, vision, robot guidance and process quality monitoring systems. You will be a part of a very competent team and involved in the continuously improvement of our platforms. As our platform is based on NI LabVIEW and TestStand, it is important you have development experience within these areas. Typically, tasks would include Software maintenance and development . Furthermore, there will be some requirement specification in cooperation with our local production engineers, quote a solution, customization, installation and factory/site acceptance tests (FAT/SAT) to ensure that the delivery meet the agreements to the agreed milestones.

Collaborate with multiple internal stakeholders and external suppliers
As an application consultant you will collaborate with multiple business units in the Grundfos group and external suppliers that deliver automation, robot, process quality and more, as well as colleagues within Production IT and our infrastructure and support divisions of IS. In your role as consultant you will have close relationship to our solution owners and architects, and actively participate in the technically improvement of our solutions and platforms. Finally, you will have to ensure that the solutions we develop follow standards as we operate globally and across many borders.

Your foundation as Application Consultant

  • You have a relevant degree within IT and a minimum of 3-5 years of experience as LabVIEW /TestStand consultant/developer from a similar position in a large production company / automation vendor or Automation Solution Provider.
  • It would be an advance if you have experience with both hardware (PC systems, cameras, light systems and other SPC systems) and software. You have knowledge of PLC and shop floor systems and understand how to interface using IO and OPC.
  • Your background has given extensive and practical knowledge of Vision and Quality systems in general, preferable knowledge of ISO 95 and other relevant standards for shop floor IT systems.
  • You must have advanced English skills

You have a strong technical understanding of production and production IT systems that enable you to develop deep insight into our setups. You possess strong cooperative skills, but also thrive working independently. As you will be both provide advice, train and write technical documentation, it is essential that you are great at communicating complex information both in writing and verbally. Finally, you can develop good relations with colleagues from various cultures and backgrounds.

Exceed the limits for your professional development

At Grundfos, you will join a global company. We encourage our employees to exceed limits, think in new dimensions and explore the possibilities for their development. You will get a unique opportunity to:

  • Work with other competent colleagues as a part of a well-functional team.
  • Develop future Production IT solutions that meet the needs for our production companies and long term strategies for the Production IT delivery area.
  • Make continues improvements of our platform.
  • Work independently as a consultant for our production companies to understand the needs and deliver the right solution for a given task at the right price.

Additional information

If you have questions or want to know more about the position, please contact Anette Lena Christiansen, Production IT Manager, on (+45) 23 83 91 94

If this job sounds appealing to you, please send your resume and motivation letter as soon as possible by clicking on "Apply". We take candidates into the recruitment process continuously and close the position down once we have found the right candidate.

We look forward to hearing from you.

If you want to dig deeper into the Grundfos universe, please visit us on LinkedIn: or our YouTube channel:

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: GRUNDFOS HOLDING A/S

source: DK-STAR


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