Arbejde Food Enzyme Application Development Associate - Dairy unspecified DUPONT NUTRITION BIOSCIENCES APS - jobtilbud

id: NDkyNTI1NiA3

reference: 4925256

documentId: 4925256

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1546591992400

Food Enzyme Application Development Associate - Dairy


Job Description

Work Hard. Play Hard. Change the World!

That's the opportunity you'll find here. At DuPont Industrial Biosciences, we are changing the world and having fun doing it. From the foods we eat, to the energy we use, to the clothes we wear, and much more, we are utilizing the power and intelligence of nature to develop new products and processes that improve the quality of our lives.

DuPont Industrial Biosciences is a leader in three strategic areas: BioActives, BioRefineries, and BioMaterials. We leverage our cutting-edge protein engineering expertise to develop sustainable solutions for the emerging bio-based economy. As one of the leading science companies in the world, DuPont Industrial Biosciences offers an informal, highly creative work setting, in which high team spirit, open communication, and environmental responsibility are considered company hallmarks.

Food Enzyme Application Development Associate - Dairy

Brabrand, Denmark

Key responsibilities include but are not limited to:

  • Design, plan, execute, and interpret experiments to evaluate and optimize enzyme performance at lab- and pilot-scales, including working with typical dairy processing equipment (e.g. HTST, UHT).
  • Assist in the technical development of enzyme products throughout the commercialization process: formulation and stability, application performance evaluation, marketing material generation, commercial-scale trialing, and post-launch support.
  • Develop or assist with development of new product and application literature, including Technical Memorandums, Technical Notes, Technical Papers, invention disclosures and patents.
  • Support Sales and Innovation efforts through routine analysis of customer samples, lab- and pilot-scale simulations of customer processes, method development, and onsite and remote technical support and training.
  • Responsibilities will be focused on all dairy applications including but not limited to milk, fresh fermented, cheese, and other dairy related applications.

Job Qualifications

Work Hard. Play Hard. Change the World!

That's the opportunity you'll find here. At DuPont Industrial Biosciences, we are changing the world and having fun doing it. From the foods we eat, to the energy we use, to the clothes we wear, and much more, we are utilizing the power and intelligence of nature to develop new products and processes that improve the quality of our lives.

DuPont Industrial Biosciences is a leader in three strategic areas: BioActives, BioRefineries, and BioMaterials. We leverage our cutting-edge protein engineering expertise to develop sustainable solutions for the emerging bio-based economy. As one of the leading science companies in the world, DuPont Industrial Biosciences offers an informal, highly creative work setting, in which high team spirit, open communication, and environmental responsibility are considered company hallmarks.

Food Enzyme Application Development Associate – Dairy

Brabrand, Denmark

Key responsibilities include but are not limited to:

  • Design, plan, execute, and interpret experiments to evaluate and optimize enzyme performance at lab- and pilot-scales, including working with typical dairy processing equipment (e.g. HTST, UHT).
  • Assist in the technical development of enzyme products throughout the commercialization process: formulation and stability, application performance evaluation, marketing material generation, commercial-scale trialing, and post-launch support.
  • Develop or assist with development of new product and application literature, including Technical Memorandums, Technical Notes, Technical Papers, invention disclosures and patents.
  • Support Sales and Innovation efforts through routine analysis of customer samples, lab- and pilot-scale simulations of customer processes, method development, and onsite and remote technical support and training.
  • Responsibilities will be focused on all dairy applications including but not limited to milk, fresh fermented, cheese, and other dairy related applications.

About DowDuPont

DowDuPont (NYSE: DWDP) is a holding company comprised of The Dow Chemical Company and DuPont with the intent to form strong, independent, publicly traded companies in agriculture, materials science and specialty products sectors that will lead their respective industries through productive, science-based innovation to meet the needs of customers and help solve global challenges. For more information, please visit us at

The positions represented by this job posting are aligned to one of the three divisions, Agriculture, Materials Science or Specialty Products, which are expected to separate from DowDuPont into stand-alone public companies. Information on the division alignment will be provided during the recruitment process.

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime


source: DK-STAR


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