Arbejde Financial Compliance Specialist - Aarhus or Gdansk unspecified ARLA FOODS AMBA - jobtilbud

id: NDg5ODA4OCA3

reference: 4898088

documentId: 4898088

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1540986065953

Financial Compliance Specialist - Aarhus or Gdansk


Are you motivated to ensure financial compliance across all areas of a 10bn euro organisation?  Are you perhaps looking at making a move away from the Big 4 consulting and auditing world, into a growing and ambitious global business?  If so, this could be your opportunity to join our Risk, Controls and Compliance department as a Financial Compliance Specialist either at our Aarhus or Gdansk office.

As our new Financial Compliance Specialist, you will work closely with and support senior members in to the team in a variety of tasks and activities to ensure the functioning and improvement of robust risk, controls and compliance systems. Some of your main activities will involve you working with colleagues to:

  • Drive risk assessments of financial processes, identifying risks and mitigating actions required.
  • Ensure risk awareness and risk mitigation is considered when processes or business models are changed or developed.
  • Provide high quality input to the design of control activities within specific processes
  • Partner with process owners and business stakeholders to implement new controls and procedures, or changes
  • Conduct reviews and internal audits of financial processes
  • Support the preparation of bi-monthly report to Finance Executive Team on our observations and recommendations
  • Be the internal owner of our monitoring tools, ensuring accuracy of data and development.

You can expect this position will give you a fantastic opportunity to grow, taking on more complex responsibilities as your experience develops.  

Grow and develop your compliance career

We are looking for a talented and ambitious person who has 2-4 years experience either from a large international organisation, or from a Big 4 consulting or auditing business. This could represent an exciting career change into industry to work for one of the world’s largest dairy companies.

We expect you to have a relevant master’s degree and a strong knowledge from work experience within accounting, auditing, internal controls and financial compliance. You are driven towards having an influencing role in a large business where you have the opportunity to develop internal control systems whilst working and engaging with a wide range of stakeholders.  Attention to detail and an analytical mindset comes naturally to you, along with a technical flair for new technological and digital solutions.  

While based in Aarhus, you will be expected to travel between 5-15 days a year, primarily to our other office locations in Leeds, Dusseldorf, Stockholm and Gdansk.


Please apply before 11 November 2018.

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: ARLA FOODS AMBA

source: DK-STAR


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