Arbejde Financial Accountant unspecified ApS - jobtilbud
Legepladsreference: 4933022
documentId: 4933022
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1547816291960
stillingsbetegnelse: Financial Accountant
jobbeskrivelse: is looking for a Financial Accountant to join the team in Copenhagen.
As we have continued our rapid growth we have successfully retained our culture of encouraging autonomy, ambition, boldness and experimentation. Working at a high growth company is a very rewarding choice, but it also requires a certain personality. We value open people who take initiative and aren’t afraid to fail, learn from mistakes, adjust, and try new things.
As a Financial Accountant at, you will contribute to shaping the financial and operational structure for a fast moving company with an international focus. You’ll be part of a team of 13 employees in the global finance department, with colleagues in our Copenhagen HQ, Sofia, and New York City offices. You’ll report directly to the Finance Director in Copenhagen.
You will gain experience with our accounting and financial reporting processes for the parent company in Denmark, and for the subsidiaries in the US, Germany, Bulgaria, Hungary, and Australia. A key component of the role will be helping to optimize financial processes that impact the entire organization. As such, you will have the opportunity to interact with, and collect insights from, stakeholders in all departments and locations in the company.What you'll do:
- Maintain, interpret, and report timely and accurate financial information for the group
- Prepare monthly and quarterly financial reports in compliance with US and Danish GAAP
- Analyze variances to budget/forecast and provide meaningful commentary for management
- Play an integral role in the month-end close and reporting process for the group
- Support the annual statutory audit and financial statement preparation process under US and Danish GAAP
- Preparation and filing of VAT and GST returns
- Develop and apply knowledge of’s business to provide value-added analysis and support across departments and entities
- Participate in the optimization of finance processes across departments and entities
- Create analytical insights and reports for Management on an ad-hoc basis
What you'll have:
- Analytical mindset with a desire to fulfil tasks in a detail-oriented way
- Outgoing personality, and fast learner who enjoys proactively tackling problems
- Keenness to challenge the status quo and drive improvement through change
- A relevant bachelor level, or higher, degree and 2 - 3 years experience in a similar role
- A strong understanding of general accounting principles and comfortability with standard month-end close procedures such as cost accruals, balance sheet reconciliations, and variance analysis
- A background working within auditing is preferred but not required
- The confidence and credibility to liaise with senior management
- Experience working with common ERP & Accounting Systems - Experience with NetSuite is preferred but not required
- Excellent English skills - company language is English
What we offer:
- Deep and varied experience working in a modern and fast paced company with an international focus and the opportunity to develop a diverse set of finance and accounting skills
- High responsibility and excellent career possibilities
- Open, informal and diverse working environment
- Friday bars and other social events provides a unified SaaS platform for social media listening, engaging, publishing and managing customer data. We enable our clients to explore the full potential of digital marketing by managing multiple customer touch points from one platform. Our platform has achieved great international traction in the market, with its technology endorsed by partnerships with Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Contact: jobs (at)
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: ApS
source: DK-STAR
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