Arbejde Finance Manager – MyPlanet and MarcoPolo unspecified MYPLANET INTERNATIONAL A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4907881
documentId: 4907881
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1542710469313
stillingsbetegnelse: Finance Manager – MyPlanet and MarcoPolo
Travelopia is a pioneer in the specialist travel sector, operating across the globe, with a portfolio of more than 50 independently operated brands, most of which are leaders in their sector. Bespoke multi-centre holidays, sailing holidays, safaris, adventure holidays, sports tours, arctic expeditions – our brands are as diverse as they are exciting, creating unforgettable experiences for customers across the world.
The Tailormade Division of Travelopia encompasses brands in the UK, Ireland and Scandinavia, and this role will be the Finance Manager of the Scandinavian brands; MyPlanet and MarcoPolo.
We offer …
We consider ourselves one of Scandinavia’s most ambitious tour operators, and our new Finance Manager will be working with passionate and committed colleagues in an exciting and fast-paced environment. Our customers have high expectations which we constantly strive to satisfy by hiring and retaining the best people. We offer an attractive compensation package including e.g. pension scheme, health insurance and a variety of benefits to support this. You will be working closely with a number of the organization’s key members, and there will be plenty of opportunity to bring into play your competencies and to influence the development of your role.
What you will do …
Our Finance Manager will have full ownership of business P&L, cash flow and KPI reporting. An important part of the role is to take responsibility for and drive local optimization and performance not only within finance but also within sales in collaboration with the Sales Management. You will provide senior business partnering to the General Manager and will work closely with the local management team in general. Also, you will work closely with the Group Treasury Manager and the Financial Accountant for Scandinavia as a number of financial areas reside in the UK, and no other members of the finance team are based in Scandinavia.
For a detailed abstractJV_description of the role please visit:
We are looking for …
An experienced finance professional with a minimum of 5 years’ experience, commercial finance experience in the industry or in the advisory arm of an accounting firm is preferable. You will have excellent working knowledge of Excel and will be able to use business intelligence software such as SQL, Power BI and Google Analytics.
You are able to build relationships and feel comfortable communicating across all levels of the organization with external partners and with public authorities.
You are flexible and can work under pressure while still meeting deadlines. When required, you will take the time to dive into the detail.
You are fluent in Danish and proficient in English, written and spoken.
About our brands…
MyPlanet was founded in 1963 and has always been known for delivering a high level of service and exceptional destination expertise. MyPlanet is present in Sweden and Denmark and is the leading provider of tailormade holidays to Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Canada and the USA. MyPlanet offers value for money with a strong focus on multi-destination trips as well as self-drive in either car or camper, but also trips involving train travels and cruise ships. Visit MyPlanet at
MarcoPolo was founded in 1982 and specialises in tailormade long haul holidays to exotic destinations outside of Europe. Often with a touch of adventure combined with high quality accommodation and very personalized service. Primary destinations are Asia, Latin America, North Amerika, Oceania and South Africa. MarcoPolo has a unique position in the Danish travel market among quality-conscious and discerning travellers. Visit MarcoPolo at
Practical information…
Location: Søren Frichs Vej 3, 8000 Århus C
Application deadline: Ongoing, we do not close the vacancy until we find the right candidate.
Job type: Full time, permanent
Start date: As soon as possible
Please submit your application and your CV in English to job (at) For questions or for a detailed abstractJV_description of the role, please contact General Manager Anders H. Ulsøe at ahu (at) or +45 2778 3569.
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
source: DK-STAR
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